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Esti was taken back through the dungeon corridors. Following the same path she had stumbled down in fear just this morning. Surrounded on all sides by the guards who had their identities hidden under hoods. An old tradition meant to ward off Death from seeking recompense from those who took a life without her blessing. Esti used to love the old traditions and superstitions around the castle. Today she felt nothing.

Walking with her back straight, head held high, Esti walked without crying or trembling. She would be brave just this one last time, then it would be over. Everything would be done. Her life complete. Her only regret was that she would not have a chance to tell Mr. Norman or Nigella just how greatly she had appreciated their kindness since her return, one more time. Esti wanted them to know just how much their kindness truly had meant to her. Dead slaves walking were not granted goodbyes.

Esti couldn't help as her anxiety began to creep upwards as she was marched into the main corridor of the castle. Large enough to accommodate a dragon, not that there were any wild dragons left to visit the castle. Servants lined the halls as Esti transitioned from servant spaces to the castle proper. The sound of whispers filling the air like hissing snakes.

Maids pointed and looked at her with a mix of disgust and fear. Guards leered at her body, the thin linen doing little to hide her curves, nipples easily seen through the light fabric. Gritting her teeth Esti vowed to bear it. She would meet her end in control of herself. Keeping her head high, Esti glided in the center of her armed jailers, walking like she had when she was considered a lady, only she was barefoot now instead of wearing soft satin slippers.

Lesser lords and their families pretended that they were above staring at Esti as she moved ever closer to the throne room. Esti assumed the space must already be at capacity, ready to see the spectacle of her last moments.

She used to be exactly the same. Except her station would have ensured she always had access to the throne room when there was an event. Esti remembered with shame how she had watched slaves and criminals lead down this same walk. Barely considering those she watched die as people. Just another spectacle.

The enormous doors to the throne room were finally before her, two guards pulling the heavy chains needed to open the heavy double doors. As expected the throne room was packed with people. The most she had ever seen.

Esti stumbled as she saw former friends. The entire Fowler family, Fowl had the look on his face when he was trying to be lordly while distracted. Esti swore she saw a slight smile on his lips as their eyes met. Was Fowl so poisoned against her now that he was glad to see her die? Esti's resolve slipped at the painful thought. She had thought of him like an older brother her whole life. One deep breath to steel her resolve once more.

As expected Reneir was nearby, to Fowl. Standing with several of his own siblings near to the Fowler family. Her former best friends, Mace, Zinna and Holly were huddled in a group. Trying to comfort each other as they cried tears for a friend they could do nothing for.

Their tears were nearly enough to undo Esti. She had to look away. Blink back the tears she refused to cry. Praying in her mind to her papa for the strength to just get through this last hard part. Then one final walk, a last touch of the sun on her skin and her soul would be free.

Magnus did not look as impressive as Esti thought a king should look. He hadn't her entire life. He had become an old man long ago. Wearing his enchanted robe made of spider silk from the lost woods, the crown of his ancestors on his head. Sat on his gilded throne on a raised dias flanked by tall intricate stained glass windows showing the world the dragons had come from being destroyed to the left, and the landing of the dragons on earth to the right. The history of their people in two frames.

Esti was about to kneel willingly when one of the soldiers kicked her behind the knees, sending her sprawling to the floor as the crowd murmured and gossiped. Whispers like hissing snakes all around her.

Esti gathered herself back up, kneeling gracefully as her hands were chained to the floor in front of her. Never raising her eyes. She knew the rules of this room. A slave wasn't allowed to look at the king, let alone speak in his presence. Subservient and silent. Soon this would all be over.

The court Cryer slammed his heavy golden staff down on the floor. The sound calling everyone to attention, the room going silent. Clearing his throat, the Cryer read out the charges against Esti, "This slave has been credibly accused of willfully endangering the property of the king, five counts of willful enticement of property of the king, five counts unsanctioned breeding of the king's property, five counts of total destruction of the kings property, and five counts of least murder." The Cryer slammed his staff once more, signaling the end of his declaration.

"If any dispute these charges, speak now or forever hold your peace after judgment is cast." Esti knew this wasn't a call for her to defend herself. Any sound she made in the presence of the king would only result in one or more of the soldiers standing guard around her beating her back into silence. She would save them the effort and remain quiet.

Esti had not expected to hear shuffling in the crowd, then short steps approaching her. Was even more thrown off to see it was a scribe in red robes, marking him as one who worked for the royal family. The gnome came and stood at her side, "Our most esteemed and magnificent king Magnus, this lowly one would plead that this slave is-" a pause as the trembling scribe gulped a breath before rushing to say, "Not guilty of the crimes as charged." The gnome was trembling beside Esti as he spoke in her favor, Esti's eyes wide as she looked at the scribe who was trying to save her.

This didn't make sense, who would have paid for a scribe to come to her defense? What was the point? Esti was very uncertain of what would come next now that her sentencing had been interrupted. No one had ever spoken for a slave in court in Esti's memory. "Sire, the scribes have further questioned the witness who supplied the testimony and evidence, and have found her accusations to be false and baseless." The scribe pointed at Esti, who was feeling more bewildered by the moment, "This slave did not willingly endanger herself, nor did she act to entice or breed. The slave was lured to a trap by she who levied the original accusations." The Cryer slammed his staff down. Scandal was afoot.

"Guards, fetch the maid, she has been charged with providing false testimony before the king, willfully endangering property of the king, and conspiring to cause bodily harm to property of the king." Magnus decried, turning towards a scribe come to advise him what other charges could be set upon the maid who dared lie to her king. A bustle of excitement burning through the crowd as several guards rushed to do as they had been bid.

Magnus stared down at the gnome, Esti could feel the king's eyes focused on her and her trembling diminutive defender. "Have you anything else to say?" Magnus bellowed, the gnome jumped in place with fright.

Esti saw the gnome nod his head before speaking, holding her breath to keep from saying anything. "The charges of total destruction and least murder must also be withdrawn my liege as I have heard with mine own ears a confession from another for these same crimes." The air in the throne room was positively electric now. A buzz tangible all around as the people gathered could not contain their excitement. This wasn't the show they had anticipated, it was turning out much more scandalously to everyone's delight.

Esti had a new, bad feeling growing in her heart. She had no idea how this would play out now. Her little walk in the sun to her end did not seem likely. Her future once again plunged into mystery. Esti did not like feeling so uncertain. Magnus growled, scribes could not lie, with a confession heard by a scribe, Magnus felt like he was losing his chance to squash out the last of Alric the traitor from his court. "And who, praytell killed my soldiers if it was not she?" Another commotion heard in the crowd behind Esti's back.

Confident, sure heavy feet made their way to join the scribe beside Esti. "I did grand-sire, an act to protect my fated mate from harm." The entire room erupted into chaos at Atticus's declaration. Esti turned her head, the man who had caught her weeding by her window glanced sideways at her. Before returning his focus back to a displeased lord Magnus. 

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