Theo's eye's narrowed. Nostrils flaring as he watched his mate walk away with the bothersome old man who Joe decided was worth coping a massive punishment for later. Theo was full of anger, thankfully, the towns people's errant thoughts had already given him a target to unleash his rage. Esti and the newly risen Earth dragons might have ended the Hyenas and witch that dared kidnap Esti, there appeared to be one person still in town who did not belong and shouldn't logically be here.
Someone was posing as a mainland detective. No one in the town was buying the story of the uniformed man going around asking far too many questions that did not seem directly related to the overnight burglaries, or morning garage fire. This village was suspicious of outsiders, and this particular man was not passing muster.
Theo made his way through the town. Following memories of encounters with the man who seemed to be trying to speak with absolutely every resident to learn everything of recent events. Mostly centered around the movements of the young woman who had arrived the day before. The poor sap did not seem to be aware that he was the last man standing of the interlopers. Or perhaps he was, independently seeking Esti. It didn't matter the reason or how he came to be here. Theo followed memories, getting closer and closer to his target.
It had taken no effort to isolate the imposter inspector. All it took was a promise of information about 'Holly' and the foolish hyena followed Theo into a dilapidated barn. The only creatures who had stirred the air inside for years had been pigeons and rats. Far from the crowds still parsing through the bag of trinkets Esti had made Theo lug back to town. Opal the dragon was the most senior earth dragon, pissing Esti off was a poor bet. Theo needed to try and woo his prize. Reluctantly Theo had played messenger boy. A lot of anger had built up in Theo. He needed a release,
Once hidden by the weathered gray planks of the ready to collapse barn walls. Theo immediately changed his demeanour. Rolling his head in a circle on his shoulders, joints cracking as he stretched his muscles through his torso. The only warning giving was the sharp cracking sound as Theo released all the knuckles in both hands. Punching the hapless hyena man in the back of the head immediately after. Sending the unsuspecting target stumbling to the dirty, shit covered floor in a heap. Leaving the man with a concussion his beast would have a challenge to heal quickly.
Theo knocked the already partially subdued man harder into the ground. With a low, sweeping leg strike. Theo had the imposter detective thrown onto his back. His head crashing against the pitted pigeon shit covered concrete of the barn floor. Exacerbating the already noticeable brain injury. Which was exactly the position Theo wanted the interloper in.
Theo stomped down on the man's right knee, shattering the joint to splinters under the heavy steel toed hiking boot. Theo watched with great satisfaction as the man's eyes shifted to the nearly black color of his beast. Only demon's and hyena would have eyes this dark. A demon would have put up a better fight. Confirmation enough for Theo that his suspicions were correct.
Now that the target had been softened up, the interrogation could begin."Why did your cackle take the girl." Theo asked. Once. When an answer wasn't forthcoming quite fast enough, he snapped the hyena's right wrist back until the man's finger nails touched his elbow.
The hyena and man howled in a doubled voice. "The witch, Wakame." The hyena managed to start to stammer out just as Theo had his boot raised to shatter another leg joint. "The witch said if we could get her and one girl to the Sovran, The King would provide lands and gifts for the cackle to use. Would offer shelter, resources." A pause. "A home." Theo's dragon said untruth. Theo slammed his boot down on his prisoner's left ankle. Crushing at least a dozen bones across the foot, ankle and lower leg. Theo had seen for himself already what hyena's wanted.

ParanormalThe Dragon court under the now ancient King Magnus is a dangerous and ruthless place to grow up. A fact Estella has learned in painful detail. It's hard to recover from your father being labeled a traitor to the crown, and executed on the whim of yo...