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Esti awoke in a bed she did not know. Feeling, while not entirely safe, more or less at ease. Nothing immediately setting off alarms in her head that she needed to worry. Looking around at the room. Trying her best to analyze the decor and styling of the room. A wing of middle age for this Castle, the room had a particular Victorian air about it. Or at least it would have if you ignored the jumble of extension cords, screens, computers and game systems that clashed with the old world styling. Never mind the laundry on the floor.

Some of the clothes looked weird to Esti, like costumes she had seen in the few movies she had watched with Quwent or Fowl. For not the first time in her life, Esti felt a small flicker of rage that she didn't have a beast or magic. If she did, she would be able to just know more for certain. Was her new mate a dragon? He said he was Royal, Esti didn't recognize him, there were simply too many who could claim royal blood. The King had been making royals one way or another for nearly six hundred years now. After so many generations. More than a few were wolves, or bears or any kind of shifter really had found their way into the ranks.

Esti looked out the window, the giant, clear glass showing her exactly where she was. Relative to the castle grounds. As well as a better idea what floor. Absolutely everything meant something. Second floor. Along with the third floor, considered to be the safest from an attack. Shielded from an attack from the sky, and above ground level to thwart some less keen assassins. Paired with looking over a garden. Mainly the kitchen garden of herbs, and a bit of the floral gardens used to decorate and perfume the castle with the seasons. There was only one rank that could be here. The lowest level of apartments given to those of the Royal Family.

At this moment, Esti did not have any real clues as to who her mate was or whose apartment she was in. She had always been awful at remembering the dozens upon dozens of different families of note. Keeping track of rank, and hierarchy was such an abstract concept that her mind rallied against learning it. Scientific facts made sense, had order, and reason. Rank had no such order. Never mind that she had been a child when she was exiled and had not mingled with any royals then.

Esti recognized enough to know she was in Royal apartments, but not important ones, which meant probably one of the bastard lines of Magnus's family tree. The bastard lines were far more populated than any of his trueborn children. Esti wished she had of paid more attention to the gossip that had burned around the castle. Which family she was now mated into would make all the difference in rank.

Esti touched the still healing claim on her throat. Sensing the man she did not have a name for yet. She knew he was glad to feel her awake, he liked being bonded to her. Esti, however was unsure about everything.

Esti didn't see a dressing gown or other clothes, she didn't want to rummage through the room looking for something to wear. The linen dress was enough for her to be seen in the courtroom, surely it was enough in private quarters. Knowing she might be beaten for insolence for leaving the room, but her curiosity driving her forward, she left the room. She was mated, and the man on the other end didn't feel like he would beat her for no reason. That didn't mean he wouldn't either. 

Stepping over an extension cord that was powering a large tv and other things in the room as she left. Her new mate seemed to be more than well acquainted with the modern human pastimes.

Esti quietly escaped from the opulent bedroom she had awoken in. Plodding barefoot along soft, carpeted hallways once again. Passing by a nearly modern washroom, with a large claw foot bath, and a separate, large shower stall visible to Esti as she walked past. A fully modern toilet! So many luxuries she had once taken for granted, Esti walked past the bathroom that looked like paradise to her after so long without.

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