Esti tried to thank the woman for her talented work. But the dwarf refused all efforts. "This one merely fulfilled the purpose. I will be here, should your majesty and her consort desire another styling." Atticus swooped in, time to get out of Council controlled territory and out into the real world. Well what he considered to be the real world.
The human world. A real, proper city. Full of glittering nightlife. Among people who more or less made sense to Atticus. Beautiful people seeking beautiful food, experiences, things- That is the life he wanted to show Esti tonight. He had resources, real enough identification for he and Esti to do almost anything she could dream tonight.
Freshly beautiful, and already in a bright district of the city for the nightlife. There would be plenty of cabs to take them anywhere. Or they could walk in the night air. Go to the best Italian restaurant Atticus knew in the city to make Esti's simple desire for 'fancy pasta' real.
Running hand in hand dressed in beautiful clothes, down the hall towards the front door of their apartments together. As though they could outrun the memory of the enslaved woman in their dressing room. Fleeing from the dressing quarters so quickly Atticis barely remembered to grab appropriate jackets for each of them. A classic trench in steel Gray for him, and a long camel coloured swing jacket for Esti.
Unaware that more surprises would be waiting for them. Atticus unlocked the door, and flung it open while getting their coats on. Their race to freedom outside came to an abrupt halt when there were three people waiting on the other side of their doorway in the hall.
Two of the persons waiting outside the doorway had a unique aura around them that neither Atticus nor Esti had ever encountered before. Both looking gender-less, with white blond shoulder length hair. Similar faces, with no single stand out feature between the pair. The third was the Fae woman who had controlled the army of people that had prepared their apartments.
All three were waiting, with smiles on their faces, as though they knew they would be emerging at this very moment. Atticus tried to believe that it wasn't because they had been waiting here the entire time the door had been closed. Atticus also started to understand why his father had never wanted anything to do with this place. It was suffocating.
"Your majesty! Hello, I do sincerely hope the apartment is to your satisfaction. My name is Leary, let me know if you require any additional amenities." The Fae woman cheered at Esti. Barely flicking her eyes towards Atticus with a low. "Sir." Added with as much disdain as could be managed without trending towards being rude. A skill only properly executed by a master at customer service. Atticus knew he and Esti were being closely managed by The Council. A feeling he did not life.
Atticus stepped in front of Esti. He had no idea what sort of creatures the strange twins were, but he was not willing to let anything new or strange come near Esti without going through him first. "We were going to head out into the city for a meal." He declared, moving to take a step out. Unaccustomed to having his way hindered. He had been an attractive rich man among humans, and a royal bastard at court, outranking nearly all the lords and ladies. Being stopped was not an experience Atticus often encountered.
The Fae woman moved like water to be in front of Atticus. "Of course sir! It is a lovely evening, and I'm sure you are eager to share the human world with The Queen." The twins began to glow with magic, their bodies, hair, everything about them shifting. Until one was a shorter, more stout man compared to Atticus, though the two could be brothers. The other was a taller, willowy, blonde who looked very much like an Esti who was willing to starve herself. The eyes were wrong though, brown not the unique amber Esti's eyes had.
Esti's lips had fallen open in shock, the sweetest o shape, Atticus did not do much better hiding his own surprise. "Marzipan and Mallow will accompany you and provide security for your persons, and any other assistance that might assist you in your evening." The Fae woman said, beaming a smile. Her tone brokered no argument. This was not an offering, it was a requirement.
Atticus turned, checking in with Esti, she nodded back. She was willing to give this a try, and they had gotten all dressed up. It would be a shame to waste the efforts now. "We were planning to dine at Chiaro di Luna." Atticus had decided upon. Disappointed that tonight they would apparently be chaperoned like children.
Atticus wasn't exactly certain which of the mimics was Mallow, and which was Marzipan, but it didn't seem to matter since both faces reacted the same way, a quickly growing smile. "An excellent choice, the mimics love the carbonara." The fae woman, who had not given a name for herself, stepped back, beckoning with her arms for Atticus and Esti to exit their apartments. "The restaurant is a ten minute walk, or would your highness prefer a car to be arranged?" Esti did not wait for anyone, or even look towards Atticus before she announced she wanted to walk.
Atticus didn't hesitate. Not another second, he wanted fresh air. Anything to get out from under this constant oppressive building, with eyes hiding and watching from any corner. Atticus took Esti by the hand. The mimic pretending to be an Esti look alike appeared in front of them, leading the way out the building. The Atticus similar one at their rear.
Esti squished herself closer to Atticus, never letting go of his hand as she followed him down the hallway. "I don't like this." Esti had never once in her entire life been closely supervised. She was raised a lady, and court girls had an obligation to police themselves. Ensure they followed the rules until they became married or mated when not under the supervision of an instructor.
Atticus looked at Esti. "Me either." He admitted. Continuing to follow. Down the hall. Through the security door, to an elevator, and finally, into what was clearly a lobby, bright open windows, marble tiles, a fountain with a lush garden around it. Then, thankfully, the open street. The sky was a subtle blue. The lights of the city hiding any stars from being seen. It didn't matter, Esti didn't need stars when there were so many people, so many lights, so much of everything to look at.
Esti stepped out onto the busy sidewalk. Spinning once in place, as she looked up at what she considered to be impossibly tall buildings, noting the unnatural sky as she let her gaze wonder up. She had never once been in a city before. Had only seen such structures on small screens. It was exhilarating. Like being on a movie set. Except, everything was real. Esti felt so small. Every person that walked by on the sidewalk had a whole story that was just their own. Every car and bus and motorcycle on the street was another person who had so much life inside them.
Some who passed smiled at Esti's wide eyed gaze, face full of wonder. Most barely even bothered to glance at her. She was just like them. Another one in a million, surrounded by millions.
They were all separate, and different, living together in a giant web of civilization unlike anything Esti had ever imagined possible. It was wonderful, and enough to near overwhelm her. It was also more than Opal was quite ready to contend with. A warning going out to all the earth dragons, earth was beyond changed, and the number of humans scuttling around on the planet was almost obscene to think of in scale.
One city, one night with Atticus. That was where Esti was to focus her attention. The mimics stayed a respectful while still close at hand distance from Esti and Atticus. Not saying a word, just watching the two of them, and their surroundings. Atticus offered Esti his arm. She looked like a dream come true with stars in her eyes as her gaze danced over the skyline she could see. She readily took his arm, easily walking in her shoes. A perfect royal stride.
The mimics were easy enough to ignore, no one on the sidewalk was paying them anymore attention than anyone else. Arm in arm, Esti and Atticus walked down the city sidewalk. The same as many couples they passed. Atticus could tell, Esti was downright thrilled that she was fitting in among the humans in a city. Her whole body felt more alive as she took in all the sights and sounds around her.

ParanormalThe Dragon court under the now ancient King Magnus is a dangerous and ruthless place to grow up. A fact Estella has learned in painful detail. It's hard to recover from your father being labeled a traitor to the crown, and executed on the whim of yo...