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On that very same day, when the Alphas went back home it was almost dark. A black mysterious white van picked them up from the campus all the way to their huge mansion.

8 boys with big secrets living all together, looking out for each other simply because they were all special, very special, they were a real Pack, they were Wolves ... real Werewolves.

Suho, the leader, the oldest, and owner of the mansion. He took care of his 7 members as if they were his own brothers. Usually, he's the kind and wise one, he's the eldest, he lived longer than anyone else in the Pack. He is the head of this family and knows exactly what to do in times of distress. He is the strongest among all. He's usually calm and all but you don't want to see his other side. When it comes to his family, he will not hesitate to make damages. He was their main Alpha.

Suho flopped on the couch as soon as he entered the house, he sighed and looked confused and that's when Lay came to sit next to him "What's bothering you?" he asked with a voice softer than honey.

"That smell, that boy, I know I've encountered it before somewhere but I can't put my finger on it" Suho was seriously trying to remember the last time he encountered such a scent.

Lay tilted his head a little to the side "But none of us was able to smell it, are you sure it wasn't something else?"

"Yes I'm sure, and until I make sure that he's no danger to all of us I need to understand what that smell is"

Lay is more like the group's mom, he's sweet and kind, and very much caring. He's the second eldest and he and Suho make the perfect couple. Lay squeezed Suho's hand

"I'm sure you'll figure it out soon, you don't need to stress yourself over it", Suho smiled leaning into the secure feeling that Lay was giving him

"I know ... I just don't want anyone threatening us, not with Sehun around ... not anymore"

Few memories came around Lay's mind and he gave Suho a sad smile "No one will go through that again, not under our watch okay?"

Suho nodded and Lay leaned closer to give him a sweet kiss and that's when Kai and Chanyeol came in

"GET A ROOM" Kai playfully screamed across the living room making Chanyeol chuckle

"Oh, you know what? Maybe we will" Suho teased the younger who started screaming again "Ewwwww, thank you now I can't get that image out of my head" Lay threw a pillow hitting Kai in his face while Chanyeol kept laughing too hard.

Kai was always the curious one, not to mention a very reckless guy. He loves to dive into unknown adventures and Danger was his middle name. He was the fastest and the most wicked one. Chanyeol on the other hand was the biggest and most built one of course along sides with Sehun, goofy at times but the friendliest person you can ever meet.

Sehun was considered as the new joiner of the family, he only joined the pack 5 years ago, making him the youngest. He liked to keep it to himself most of the time and rarely would join the boys for any activities and no one blamed him, the boy has gone through too much already and no one wants to talk about it or remind each other of what happened to them and especially Sehun. As soon as they arrived home, Sehun went upstairs to his room like he always does and probably won't come down until a few hours later.

About half an hour later, Xiumin, Chen, and Kyungsoo came inside immediately catching Kai's attention in the living room who was watching the big plasma tv "What took you guys so long, I could smell you blocks away, why were you so slow?"

"Traffic" Xiumin playfully said finding his way to the kitchen. Kai laughed "Yeah right like we take that road"

Xiumin was the funny guy. In normal human years, he would be older than Suho but in wolve years Suho is way older. Suho was turned way before Xiumin was. The two were a couple of centuries apart so human age doesn't count here.

Kyungsoo flopped next to the younger snatching away the remote control from his hands "It's a clear sky we enjoyed our way back"

"Don't change my channel I was watching that" Kai scoffed "Come on that's lame"

Kyungsoo is the fun to be around type, at first glance he looks scary with his big round eyes and careless posture but once you get to know him he's really a "Tsundere", plus he likes to play around with Kai a lot, his hobby is to make the kid get on his nerves, he thinks that Kai looks super adorable when he's mad, plus, everybody can smell that aroma when the two are together, it's a special smell.

When a couple is attracted to one another, it gets super smelly so everyone is trying to give them space ... It's obvious that something is happening between the two, it has been for a while now but nothing is official yet.

Chen stood there for a few seconds trying to grasp the conversation that was going on between the two and then decided to go and join Xiumin in the kitchen. While looking at the two, something clicked inside Chen's heart, something that hurt him inside and out.

Chen was the calmest and quietest in the house. Wolves can read each other's minds sometimes and smell each other's scents but Chen's mind and scent were not easy to detect.

He was too quiet that even his scent was almost non-existent. Now again, he had his reasons, he was hurt badly. He was trying to get over his past for the past 20 years he spent with the Alphas. He is thankful to Suho who brought him back from the dead, grateful for the love and warmth he is feeling here but he was never able to move on.

"Nice hunting today Chen," Xiumin said brining the younger from his distant thoughts "Yeah you too," Chen replied

"Is there's something on your mind?" Xiumin asked concerned

"Nothing to worry about" Chen waved him off and Xiumin gave him a wide smile and ruffled his hair as he walked by his side "You know where to find me if you need to talk right? like we always do okay?"

"Yes sure" Chen replied with a thankful smile before Xiumin disappeared

Chen stood there for a few seconds before he could move, he followed Xiumin's scent, the boy smelled like lemon and Chen always found it fresh and interesting. Xiumin was the one whom he trusted the most, Xiumin knew about most of the things he couldn't tell Suho or Lay, something about him was just too reassuring and trustworthy, if there was someone who knew Chen the most, it was Xiumin for sure.

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