True Blood

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Walking to the nearest woods, Baekhyun was holding into Chanyeol like dear life, coughing slightly every now and then "It's okay I got you" Chanyeol said "Don't worry, it's nothing supernatural nor disgusting it's as if you're going camping"

"I don't feel good ... and I don't like camping"

Xiumin and Chen followed them from a distance, trying to make sure that they were not followed by anyone or anything for the matter. Baekhyun started coughing again and Chanyeol made him sit down next to a big tree, seconds later Xiumin and Chen joined them "Hey here's some water it might help" Chen passed him a bottle of water and Baekhyun almost finished the whole thing. As he was catching his breaths, Xiumin and Chanyeol got to work

"I'm sorry" Baekhyun faintly said to Chen "About earlier I mean, Chanyeol told me"

"Oh" Chen finally realized what the boy was talking about "It's okay, I ... learned how to live with it ... I guess"

"I may never understand how was that like for you but ... you smell like ... jasmine flowers"

Chen smiled a bit "Yeah I know, Tao used to call me Princess Jasmine all the time"

"I'm sorry for your loss"


The scent of blood rushed through Bekhyun's nose and body like drugs. Never did he thought that it would actually affect him this much ... He liked it.

As Chanyeol taught him how to catch up after him, how to run, how hunting really worked "We don't feed like this unless it's really needed, and we don't do it for fun so don't get used to it"

"I won't ... it's just amazing"

Chen kept an eye on the surroundings area until they decided to finally go home. As they got inside, it was obvious that Baekhyun was doing much better. He really looked like he was in a very good mood after the hunt. They actually expected a much worse attitude. They joined the others in the living room and sat next to Kai and Kyungsoo who were silently watching TV with a poker face.

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked. Kai sighed as Xiumin changed position on the couch to face the younger "Lay and Suho are trying to figure things out and Suho is exhausted"

They all knew it was not common, if ever, Suho would lose his temper, put down his guards or even be "exhausted". He's their leader and he has always done his best and more. Gladly Lay was always there for him. They knew that things will be okay but they couldn't help but worry about him.

Upstairs, in their shared bedroom, Suho was laying on the double-size king bed trying to get some rest while Lay looking over him holding his hand tight and occasionally caressing his cheeks softly he couldn't stop using his powers to check over his mate

"You don't have to do that" Suho said sleepily

"I know I can't help myself ... I'm just worried about you"

Suho turned to face his mate "I know" he said as he got closer to Lay holding him a bit closer "I just need to figure this out, there are just so many things running through my mind and I don't know where to start"

"Maybe you don't have to" Lay said and Suho frowned "What do you mean?"

"All of our attempts to find who did this to Baekhyun and to maybe link it to what happened to Sehun are not working. Maybe it's not meant to be solved. Baekhyun and Sehun are safe now, here with us they are okay now"

Suho sighed "Yes but still I can't have a monster like this walking around Lay"

"And you will get him ... just give it time and ... rest"

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