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Everyone was on alert mode, defending each other and not afraid to attack when necessary. Everyone was so overprotective of one another, and for the first time, Baekhyun got to experience such a situation where the different scents around him made his head feel pressured and about to explode.

Just so many thoughts and feelings, this was definitely a cold war, and Chanyeol, Chanyeol was standing in front of him, protecting him, but why? What's that smell? Why does he smell even more appealing than ever right now?

They just waited for the inevitable, they waited for the mysterious shadow to emerge and it was getting closer by the seconds, the new unfamiliar scent was getting closer and closer as if it was announcing itself as if it wanted to be detected and the Alphas were ready to face it ... and there he emerged, from behind an old oak tree ... tall and fair, his hair a bit long covering his eyes and he was ... bleeding ... he was bruised and injured and he ... didn't seem to be threatening anyone ... yet.

Everyone was a bit confused at first, looking at the unknown male, looking for any signs of threat but he didn't seem to be threatening anyone, his scent had a bit of sweetness in it and, and at the same time, it was filled with concern and courage but most importantly, his scent and presence were similar to Baekhyun's.

Baekhyun knew the second his eyes landed on the other's figure he took a step closer to Chanyeol's side revealing himself to the wolf who just appeared "He's a Half-Blood" he said "Just like me" he announced but he didn't have to because Suho and Lay have already figured it out the moment he showed up.

Suho took a step closer "Who are you and what do you want?" simple and clear, his alpha voice dominating the space. hearing Suho's voice, the unfamiliar figure takes a step back, he could sense Suho's dominance for sure and it was now obvious to Suho and the others that this werewolf was not another Alpha

"My name is" the boy was trying to catch his breaths, he was eyeing everyone around him, the scents of the Alpha boys were overwhelming and one smell, in particular, had made him feel uneasy "SPEAK UP" Suho's roar woke him up from his daze, he had to focus on what he was here for, he can forget about the other smell for now "Luha" ... "My name is Luhan and I'm here to warn you"

After all, this guy wasn't intimidating at all, on the contrary, his voice was too sweet to think he could ever hurt anyone or anything, he started to put his own guards down, no one can smell his scent anyone "I'm a half-blood" he said "Like him" pointing out at Baekhyun "He targeted him and he's coming for him, you better run for your life boy"

He's here to warn Baekhyun? ... Why? ... From who?

Suho was about to lose his temper at this new intruder "Explain yourself" he roared again, Luhan only takes another step back "His name is Kris, he's a True Blood, and he basically has no scent so that's why you can't smell him around" ... "He targeted your boy and he's coming for him" ... "He wants him back"

"WHY?" Baekhyun suddenly emerged yelling at Luhan who was trying to warn him about this True Blood "WHAT DOES HE WANT FROM ME?"

"If he turned you" Luhan explains "He owns you"

Suho takes another step and Luhan takes another one back "I don't want any trouble" Luhan said "I just wanted to help, I wish someone helped me when he turned me, just be careful" Luhan said his last words before turning his back and was about to leave when a sudden voice was raised

"Wait" it was Sehun, it was strange, Sehun usually never engages with anyone, what makes him want Luhan to wait. Luhan turns around to exchange looks with the man who stopped him, there comes that smell again, the smell he tried to ignore earlier, it wasn't Baekhyun, it was this guy ... it was Sehun's

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