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Baekhyun was sleeping for almost a day now, Suho and Lay coming in and out to check on him, Kyungsoo and Kai playing hard to get in the living room, Chen as quiet as usual, Xiumin reading some comic books, and Sehun in his room. Chanyeol on the other side, couldn't move from Baekhyun's side.

The first couple of hours, Lay was sitting with him "How come you can smell him while we can't?" Lay asked again to gain confirmation from the younger "I don't know, I was hoping you could tell me"

"Well, how does he smell like?" Lay was curious

Chanyeol was hesitant at first, but he then stuttered "Sweet lavender?" Lay chuckled "I don't know Yeol-ah, he's turning too fast and we still need to figure out who did this to him, Suho is going crazy over it"

"Yes, I know, we need to start asking questions as soon as he wakes up. Whoever has done this is still out there and we need to find them"

The night has passed and it's now morning, Baekhyun twitched under his covers before he finally opened his eyes and immediately sitting up covering his mouth and nose with his hands and a gagging sensation followed

"Still smelly?" Chanyeol asked grabbing the boy's attention. Baekhyun didn't even flinch at the boy's words "Thank you for staying here" he suddenly said, his voice rather sad and tired

"How did you know that I was here the whole time?"

"I can smell you, even in my sleep" Baekhyun confessed, he never thought of putting such words in one sentence before

"Thank you" Baekhyun sounded so sincere, his voice came in calm but also quite sad "How are you feeling?" the younger took his time before answering "Like I was hit by a bus but still awake ..."

"Can you still hear my blood going through my vines?"

"Yes ... just like I can feel the air against my face, the fabric around my body, everyone's voices like they are whispering to me"

"That's deep," Chanyeol said now worried "And how's that sitting with you?"

"I couldn't handle it all earlier but now, I feel like I can control it a bit, it's not so bad anymore" ... "Everybody has a different smell but you smell different than all of them"

"Different? how?"

"You smell like scented candles, your scent helps me calm down ... I guess"

Chanyeol was overwhelmed for a second but Baekhyun, on the other hand, looked sad, cold, and somehow emotionless. The human Baekhyun would be freaking out right now but this version of Baekhyun didn't care much, his turning was almost complete and now even Suho and the others could smell him *Sweet Lavender*

"if you're feeling better, you can come down to the living room and meet everyone, Suho wants to ask you a few questions too"

Baekhyun nodded, he had to get used to his new life from now on. He took baby steps outside his room, with Chanyeol helping him walk through the largest house he has ever seen. By the time they reached the living room, Suho and everyone else were already there waiting for him.

One by one, they all introduced themselves quickly before Suho started questioning

"Baekhyun, whoever did this to you, he wasn't someone we know, I made my calls and I asked around, no one knows who did this and I believe them but I need you to tell me what happened, I need to hear your version of the story"

Baekhyun took a deep breath "I didn't know I was ... targeted" ... "I never felt like I was followed or anything but two nights ago when I was on my way home, I was walking through the alley and that's when I met him"

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