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the action or process of making something stronger or more solid.

"the permanent consolidation of peace"

Suho paced around the room the whole morning while Lay was still sleeping laying down gracefully on their king-sized bed. It was no secret that Lay was still recovering and Suho couldn't leave his side.

Suho was overthinking, maybe too much, about what steps to take next. Last night's events were not easy to forget, he felt most guilty and most afraid, he took one last look at his sleeping mate and he swore he would kill this Kris, for even thinking about hurting him, he would rip him to pieces, how dare he lay his dirty hands on the love of his life?

But he couldn't, he had to be rational, he had to be reasonable and think this through

"I could smell your brain about to explode"

Lay suddenly said sleepily opening his eyes, Suho sighed "I'm sorry" he muttered.

Lay sat on their bed looking adorable and sweet "You knew the second we found out that Baekhyun was a half-blood that this was going to happen but it's not your fault ... and it's not Baekhyun's fault either, it will be okay, it always does just don't take irrational decisions"

Hearing these comforting words coming from the person he trusted the most, Suho smiled "I won't," he whispered.
Lay got out of bed and headed over to his mate, "Remember when we first met?" Lay raised a memory that made Suho chuckle "Yeah what about it?"

"It was worse back then ... worse than this"

Lay tried to look back on how it all began "Remember when you had to fight a vampire, two half-bloods, and their pack leader to get to me?" memories started to rush in the back of his head

"It was all bloody and messed up but here we are" Lay was amused by the memories, getting closer and closer to him

"I was on a mission," Suho said but as serious as he wanted to sound, Lay brought him even closer narrowing the space between them trying to bring Suho with him in a beautiful moment

"A mission that went sideways" Suho continued stating the interesting fact, amused by Lay's sweet scent

"I met you," Suho said looking straight at the other's eyes deeply and fondly

"Of course at that time, I was just a puppet in their hands, they took me in since I was a puppy I couldn't say no to whatever they asked me to do. Basically I was a gun for hire and hey were strong and fierce. When I told them that you and I had a special bond they flipped tables at us"

"Yeah, they thought you were the traitor they sent you to find" they both laughed

"How silly"

"We ended up escaping with the whole pack behind our trails" Lay tried to make him remember

"It took me months before I found the real traitor and brought his head to them,and then, of course, invited them to our wedding"

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