chpt 1

27 3 1

Ibrahim Nasir watched from where he sat on a chair in his room how the sky, a canvas of purple, orange, and pink hues stood as backdrop for the orange sun as it traveled down slowly. He always did this, every evening he had the time. To see if the sun moved, he tried not to blink because maybe it will move faster if he did. He wanted to see it but no matter how long he watched, he never really saw it moving... It just moved away.

He finally stood up when the call to Maghreb prayer was being called. He stood up and wore a jallabiya and went out of his chambers. He was immediately greeted by the guards standing and as he stepped further away from his chambers, they followed behind him. He stopped walking and turned to face the three buff men following him.

"I don't think anyone will think of harming me on a short journey to the mosque. Don't follow me".

"Your highness...". One of them started to say but he rose an eyebrow daring him to continue.

"It is an order". He said and watched them for a few seconds before turning to face the way to the masjid and continue his journey alone.

He nodded to the greetings from maids and guards as he passed and soon his neck started hurting, so he offered a polite smile instead. He sighed in relief when he was in the confines of the holy house.

He said his salam to the imam and the others he met and sat in the front by the wall, he waited patiently watching the masjid fill up. He heard praises from outside and guessed that his father had arrived at the masjid too.

He stood up when he saw him come in and they shook hands, he had come in with his brother. They sat together quietly until the iqama was called and they said their prayer.

Later, after they finished their azhkhars, the three men stood and left the masjid. The two younger men walked on either side of their father.

"Nasiru". The king called.

"Na'am abba".

"I think it's time you start attending the royal meetings".

"Abba...". He started but his father cut him off by raising his hand.

"Enough with your excuses. Look at your brother, he started last week and I'm sure he's enjoying it. Are you not". He turned to mubashir.

"Yes, abba". Nasir glared at his brother and sighed.

"Your wish is my command, your highness". Nasir replied and his father nodded satisfied.

The two brothers escorted their father to his chambers and parted ways, each going to their mother's chambers.

Nasir was welcomed with the wonderful scent of incense then his mother's authoritative voice.

"Maimunatu, ki kiyaye Kan ki da ni". He heard her say and knew immediately what the problem was.

He went further inside and squatted to greet his mother, she replied to his greeting and then he sat next to her on the couch. Seconds later, his younger sister was coming into the living room.

"Yaya!". She rushed to him and hugged her brother, perching herself on the arm of the couch.

"You are troubling mama again". He said and she shook her head.

𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐈: 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now