chpt 12

14 1 0

Fadimatu pulled the black rubber gloves from her hands as she walked back to the main house tiredly.

She looked up at the sound of an approaching car and walked to stand in front of the house. Her father did not say anything about anyone coming.

She watched as the front doors opened and two fine people stepped out. She openly ogled at the male and when she saw them approaching her, she rearranged her features.

"This is a private property". She told them when they stopped in front of her, they were even better looking up close.

"You didn't see the sign board?". She asked them.

"I did, but I'm here to see...".

"Your highness!". The trio turned to the source of the voice from the main door.

Fadimatu watched her brother approach them and shake hands with the said highness.

"Beby, go and wash up". Hammad told her and she suddenly remembered how filthy she looked.

She ran inside the house not believing a handsome guy just saw her looking like that. She ran past her father as he asked her what happened.

After bathing and changing into clean clothes, she walked downstairs. She could hear the loud voices from where she was, she slowed her steps as she heard her father ask where she was.

"Daddy". She called and they all looked up at her. She walked quickly and sat beside yunus.

"Did you greet our guests?". Yunus asked and she looked at the man then at the lady, everyone was still watching her.

"Yes, I met them outside". She locked with the male again and he silently reprimanded her with his eyes for lying.

"Good. This is yarima Ibrahim Nasir, Habeebu's son and his daughter, gimbiya maimunatu". Fadimatu nodded realising the remembrance with sarauniya zaheera, but maimunatu looked more like her father.

"Oh, this is the busy doc?". Hammad glared at her and she twisted her lips.

"Beby!". Zakari scolded and she shrugged.

"Mu yi mangariba koh, sai mu ci abinci". Fadimatu's father said and they all stood.

Fadimatu, nusaiba and maimunatu went upstairs while the guys went out to the mosque.

After they had prayed, the ladies went downstairs and nusaiba instructed the maids to arrange the table before the guys returned.

"I think you're my new role model". Maimunatu told fadimatu and she smiled at her.


"Yes, like... You give that I don't give a fuck vibes". Fadimatu laughed at her comment.

"You know, I used to be like that until my mother punished me".

"Really? She seemed like a very cool person". Nusaiba said joining them.

"What?! She's so...". Maimunatu shook her head.

"Though, she's my first role model". Fadimatu smiled wondering how she'd view her mother if she had met her.

The door opened and fadimatu watched them file into the room. Her father, Hammad, Nasir, zakari, and yunus. She observed how his eyes searched briefly until they settled on maimunatu for a nanosecond then he moved to the dinning room noiselessly. Interesting. Her brother looking at a girl?.

She stood up and went to the dining and sat beside her brother. She pulled her seat closer to his and peered into his face with a smile. He looked up from his phone and scanned her face weirdly.

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