chpt 8

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Mubashir walked to his brother's chambers and knocked on the door. He didn't get a reply, but his guards had affirmed he was inside. He pulled out his phone and went through his contacts, his thumb hovered over his brother's name. What did he really want to tell him? Nothing. He just wanted to somehow remind him of his lack of interest in the throne, but did he come all the way to stir such conversation with him?

He took a step back from the threshold. Later. Later, he'll talk to him. He turned and walked back to his own chambers.

He wanted the throne. No, he craved it. Sometimes he just went to the royal court room and stared at where his father sits, picturing himself on it. All he needed to do was impress his father, the king makers and emirate council.

He went inside his chambers and sprawled himself on a couch and tuned to the football channel to watch a game. When he heard the adhan for Maghreb, he stood up and went to the mosque. He met his brother already there, he greeted him and they sat together. His ears itched to hear Nasir say he didn't want the throne, he didn't want the rawani to be wrapped on him and he needed him to tell the emirate council before he is crowned heir to the throne next month.

After prayers they left the mosque together.

"How is work?". He asked.

"Alhamdulillah, everything is good". Mubashir nodded, racking his brain for how to begin.

"So, will you reduce going to the hospital after next month?". He asked.

"I'm not sure. I've already reduced going lately". That was not what mubashir wanted to hear.

"Amma Naga Baka abunan...". Nasir looked at him confused.

"You know, that one that you go to all these rural areas and like do this medical stuff?".

"Oh. I have volunteering teams in several areas already".

"I'm planning to open a branch in Abuja, but don't tell abba". Mubashir gave a forced smile.

"You should be concentrating on your royal duties you know". Mubashir said.

"Let the time come". Nasir tapped his brother on the shoulder.

Mubashir wondered what his sentence meant, when the time comes will he reject the throne or when the time comes he will accept the throne.

"I'm hungry. Sai anjima?". Nasir held his brother's shoulder and mubashir looked at his hand on his shoulder and then at his smiling face.

"Yeah". Nasir nodded once and walked off.


"So it is you who is asking for me?". Sarauniya Fatima looked at the man in front of her.


"I wonder why". She looked at him suspiciously.

"We have the same goal. I reckon". She looked at him and then laughed.

"Same goal? You are the waziri, you're supposed to be sharing goals with the king not the queen". He smiled.

"I should, but... I believe there is something you want and I hope to help you".

"Whatever you think it is I want to achieve, I don't think I need your help. Thank you". He stopped smiling and gave a serious look.

"You and I don't want Nasir to become king". He said and she watched him.

"You don't want mubashir either". She said.

"I cannot not want mubashir, it's not like I can get the throne". She laughed.

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