chpt 3

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Ibrahim Nasir looked around the boring court room again, sighing tiredly wondering when he would be let out but he didn't dare stand up and leave, his father would not let him hear the end of it.

He had to listen to how one man started using another person's land for farming and the owner of the land knew but didn't say anything then after the crops were harvested, he insisted on the crops being his since it was his land. Nasir didn't know who really owned the crops. The land owner? Or the crop owner? It confused him so he resigned to waiting for what his father would pass as judgement.

"Your highness, I will receive any punishment I am given but I refuse to give him my crops". The crop owner said after their statements were heard.

"But you have used my fertile soil to grow those crops so they belong to me, I will pay you the wage I pay to my other farm workers". The land owner argued.

"I will make a decision in two days". The king spoke and everywhere went silent.

"Until then, the crops will stay in the custody of the village head".

"Your highness. I have nothing to eat with my family, please give me any punishment...". The crop owner pleaded.

"Sarki ya yi magana!". Nasir heard one of the dogari yell.

"Is this what abba does everyday?". Nasir whispered to his brother.

"No. We're working on a new project, it's to show each local government that the king is just, so each local government will bring a case and abba will judge".

"All 44?!". Nasir exclaimed gaining the attention of two emirate council member sitting beside him.

"Yes". Mubashir replied amused.

"But, this is the 15th local government so you're lucky". Nasir groaned, he left the hospital to listen to complaints.

After the two men left with their village head, the important matters came up. Nasir watched a man come forth with papers in his hand.

"Greetings your highness". He said with a little bow of his head and the king nodded.

"The state governor has sent a proposal to build schools in some local governments". A dogari went forth and took the paper from the man and gave it to the king.

"I will discuss that with the emirate council".

Other people came and after everyone had said what they wanted, the king dismissed them, leaving the two prince and the emirate council.

The first matter brought up was of the governor about the school, no one seemed too happy with his proposal though Nasir found it a good thing to build school in the rural areas.

"Your majesty, this is a good idea but working with the governor is not advisable, remember how he proposed for apartments to be built and got them apartments for his family members at very cheap prices?". A member of the emirate council spoke.

"I did not forget and if we are to build the schools, it will be without the governor. But I want you to call a meeting with him".


"Nasir. I spoke to Rashid, he asked if you would be free, he wants you to come for the visiting day at his school". Sarauniya zaheera told her son when he came for dinner in the evening.

"When is it?".

"This Saturday".

"Okay. I'll just push my Saturday appointments to Friday and Sunday".

"Good. It's been long since you two met".

"Yes. You were in US when he came home last time". Maimunatu chipped in.

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