chpt 15

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"So can you explain how the prince of Kano is here in this house demanding for food?". A'isha asked her friend as they both worked to make food for the said prince.

"Absolutely not".

"You have to know, you let him in".

"Okay fine". She said turning.

"I didn't tell you before but, we met in the farm house I think I can't remember when".

"And you didn't tell me?! What are a friend".

"Sorry, but in my defense I asked you to come with us". Fadimatu replied with a shrug.

"It's a family vacation".

"Marry my brother then". A'isha eyed her and walked to the island to sit again.

"So, you were like his cook when he stayed in the farm house?".

"Something like that. Don't tell the girls though!". Fadimatu turned to say that with warning in her eyes.

"Yes ma'am. So are you guys like dating?". A'isha asked and fadimatu sighed.

"Stop asking questions".

"I have to! You were the one who didn't tell me about him".

"Well we obviously are not doing that".

"Buttt...". A'isha dragged.

"But what?".

"There's a but, I know there is". Fadimatu turned her head to glare at her and then back at what she was doing.

"Well, I did right his name in my book". A'isha shot up from her seat.

"You did?!". She walked around to where her friend stood.


"And if it doesn't work out?". A'isha asked worriedly.

"I don't know". She shrugged. A'isha placed a supportive hand on her friend's shoulder.

One time fadimatu wrote a Balmain dress in her book and didn't get it because it was a limited edition and was sold out, she cried for two days and kept telling everyone how sad she was, but now it was a human being that she liked with her heart and not a dress she could find a knock off for or even a completely different one.

"But it's a crush, you know. It will go away". Fadimatu said quietly.

"Hehhn". A'isha exclaimed and returned to her seat.

A'isha's phone rang and she groaned and picked letting fadimatu know it was her mother. She left the kitchen and few minutes later fadimatu sat down with her phone going through social media at the same time contemplating telling nusaiba Nasir was here. Just as she decided not to, the kitchen door opened and Nasir came in.

"Hey". He greeted and she followed his movements with her eyes until he was standing across from her.

"Just wanted to say thank you and apologize for causing any inconvenience". She watched him.

"How many days are you in Abuja for?". She asked instead.

"Uhmm, three days".

"And you want me to be your cook for that period". He stared at her trying to suppress a smile.

"Well, if that won't bea too much trouble for you, yes". She shook her head.

They were both quiet and when she started to feel uncomfortable she picked her phone again. Nasir stared at her, racking his brain on how to start a conversation, then he wondered why he was even trying to have a conversation with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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