chpt 14

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Nasir watched his grandmother, mother and sister screen multiple pictures of women to find a bride for him. His father had told him a day before to get married soon because it is a way to convince the people he is responsible enough to be their leader, so these three ladies took it upon themselves to find him a bride.

"I cannot sit hear any longer, I'm going to the hospital". He stood up after realising they had not heard what he said.

He walked to his chamber and while at first he planned to change the jeans and shirt he was wearing, he decided against it and left his chambers. He informed one of guards in front of his entrance he was ready to go and two minutes later two cars were driving towards him.

"I'm driving". He said and the guard in the driver's seat stepped out.

He relished in the privacy of driving alone, it had been long since he didn't have anyone at least five steps away from him. He wasn't even alone in his chambers anymore as Rashid now stayed with him.

Nasirs' eyebrows furrowed as he drove into the hospital grounds and saw the entrance flooded with women. What is happening, he wondered, is this his mother's and grandmother's doing?

He parked his car and dialed Sadiq's number, he picked immediately and greeted his boss.

"What's happening outside?". Nasir questioned.

"Umm sir, I tried to handle the situation but apparently word has gotten out that you are looking for a wife".

"What? How?". Nasir asked even though he knew Sadiq will not have the answer to that.

Nasir called one of his guards and told them to clear his path as gently and politely as they could be. The four guards surrounded his car and when he stepped out, they covered him as they passed the screaming ladies. With much difficulty they were able to enter the building.

"Good evening sir". Sadiq greeted him.

"Yeah. Did you call security?". He asked as they walked to his office.

"I figured it won't look good if they are forced away". Nasir nodded and pressed the button for the elevator.

"I have a meeting in Abuja in two days right?".

"Yes your highness".

"I'm leaving tomorrow, book me a ticket".

"Yes, your highness". Sadiq replied already tapping on his tablet.

They stepped out on Nasirs' office floor and Sadiq escorted him to his office and briefed him on recent cases and left him.

The door to his office opened hours later and he looked up at the intruder and saw an unrecognisable lady walk in.

"I didn't ask you to come in". Nasir said.

"Hello your highness". She replied with a smile and took a seat Infront of Nasir. His scowl deepened noticing how tight her dress was.

"I believe I do not have an appointment with anyone today and you don't look like an emergency patient. So what are you doing here?".

"I am sick". Nasir nodded urging her to go on.

"Right here". She placed her palm on her chest where her heart is supposed to be.

"Good riddance". Nasir muttered and shook his head then picked up the telephone.

"A patient in my office needs to be escorted to cardiology". He said and after receiving a reply he dropped the phone and looked at the lady in front of him once again.

She had alot going on her face, it made his eyes hurt looking at her.

"Your highness... I want to be treated by you because only you can...". She was cut off by the door opening.

𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐈: 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now