chpt 11

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"Hajiya, I don't even understand what is going on again". Sarauniya zaheera said to her mother in law.

"Ikon Allah. Ban ma gane ma Dan Adam ba kuma". She shook her head.

"Doctor Ali says he can only give pain killers now. The poison has no none cure yet".

"Innalillahi wa innailaihi raji'un". Sarauniya maimunatu exclaimed.

"Hajiya, let me go and check on him". Sarauniya zaheera stood up and left her mother in law's chambers.

She walked to the king's private chambers and went to his bedroom where he lay in the middle of the big bed. She sat beside him on the bed and placed her hand on his.

"How are you feeling?".

"Alhamdulillah". He managed to say.

"Let me get you your dinner". She stood up and returned to her own chambers.

She arranged his food on a tray and had her personal maid, Jamila carry it and they went back to his chambers. She met her son there with his father.


"Mama. I was about to come and see you".

"When did you return". She dropped the tray on the bed.

"My flight just landed". He replied standing up and helping his father to sit up.

"How was your trip?". She asked quietly as she sat down from where he had stood up and dished out little amount of food.

"Alhamdulillah. I didn't get any new information". His mother nodded.

"I got another medicine, it will slow the effect of the poison". She nodded again and continued to feed her husband.

They remained quiet until he finished and she gave him his medicines and they left to allow him rest.

"Mama, people are starting to get suspicious, it is not normal for their king to travel for a month".

"We can't tell them he is like this. I hope everything is fine with the royal matters".

"Yes, Alhamdulillah".

"Nasir, we don't know who to trust anymore and there is not many of us. I'm scared".

"Ma, everything will be fine".

"I think it's time for maimunatu to come back". He smiled, it was the best news he had received in the last two months.

"I'll leave tomorrow". He smiled.

"She told me not to come get her". She said quietly. Nasir draped his arm around her upper back.

"I'm sure she is dying to come home". Sarauniya zaheera nodded.

"It's a good thing Usman is in Kano. I'll talk to him, you two should stay there for a week".


"I might get something when you're away". They entered her chambers and sat down to have dinner.


"Bien fille (fine girl)". Maimunatu looked up at the handsome face from where she crouched.

"Comment étaient tes frères, abdoul?(how were your brother's?)". Maimunatu replied standing up.

"C'est moi que tu appelles vache (is it me you're calling a cow?)". She smiled at him as they walked back to his mother's hut.

"Comment puis-je oser? (how dare I?)". She feigned innocence.

"Alors, à propos de Notre mariage... (so about our marriage)". She glared at him.

𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐈: 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now