chpt 5

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Fadimatu stomped her feet as she walked back to the main house, wanting the mud to fall off her shoes before she reached the front steps. She smiled at something nusaiba said. Her sister in law had decided to come down and help her with the farming activities. While fadimatu tended to the livestock, nusaiba took pictures and when she moved to the crops, she took more pictures. So, basically she was her photographer while she worked.

They met the men discussing in the living room. Nusaiba went to sit beside her husband and fadimatu went up to her room to wash up. She returned 20 minutes later with her phone and sat beside yunus, she adjusted her position so her head rested on his thighs while he legs were stretched out in front of her. She started to upload the pictures nusaiba took of her on her social media and sending some to her friends.

"Beby, we're going to visit the king tomorrow". Her father said.

"Pass!". She replied not looking away from her phone.

"What do you mean pass". Hammad asked.

"Can I wear jeans?". She looked at her brother.

"Of course not. You have dress eleg...". Nusaiba replied her.

"Exactly. I don't want to wear atampha, and I can't go with jeans, so. I pass". She returned her gaze to her phone.

"Wear your jeans then. He wants to meet you all". Her father said

"Okay, that was an excuse. Can I just not go?". She asked with a little whine and when Hammad saw his father was about to give in, he spoke.

"You're going to go".

"And sis can borrow you her clothes. You guys are about the same size". Zakari said and she eyed him.

He reached out to hit her head but yunus held his hand in time.

"I told you to stop hitting her". He said calmly.

"Chill, I was going to like... Tap her head, you support her disrespect, she eyed me". Zakari complained.

"I guess we're all going then". Nusaiba said cheerfully. Anything that was going to make her dress up.

"Yay!". Fadimatu said with very little enthusiasm.

Zakari stood up to go to his room and since fadimatu was bored, followed him to his room.

"Stop following me". He said not looking back at her.

"I'm not, we just happen to be going to the same place". He opened his room door.

"You're not allowed".

"Says who? It's my father's house and don't I have to beat you in FIFA?". He eyed her and let her in.

They both sat down facing the screen with his playstation four. Their screams and cursing met the people downstairs and they started a conversation on how they were both the same, it was hard to differentiate who was older or younger between the both of them.


The Halilu family drove into the emir's palace in two cars. Some palace guards showed them where they were supposed to park their cars, the first car revealed yunus, zakari, their father and fadimatu. The second car revealed Hammad and nusaiba. They were led to the king's private chambers where they sat waiting for the king. They were told he was in a meeting, so they patiently waited while the king rounded up the meeting in a haste to see his friend.

"This place is fine!". Nusaiba whispered to her sister.

"Very!". Fadimatu answered and started taking pictures and videos.

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