chpt 10

10 2 0

Ibrahim Nasir walked into his living room with a salam, it was already late and he wanted nothing more than to sleep. He went into the kitchen and flicked on the lights, he was hungry but he didn't want to disturb his mother and was too tired to cook, so he plugged in a hot water jug and took a mug to make coffee.

He watched the water in the jug and then he saw a figure on his fridge, he looked closely to be sure and he saw a black clad figure standing in the doorway of the pantry. He clenched his fists on where they laid on the counter.

He waited for the person to act but the figure stood still. The jug turned off itself when the water came to a boil. He reached out for it slowly and poured an unmeasured amount into the mug and turned around to leave the kitchen, the quick movement from the side of his eye went unnoticed. He quickly shifted and took the jug and just as the figure plunged a knife at him, he threw the hot water on his attacker's chest.

He used the time which the attacker howled in pain to take the knife from his hand and throw it somewhere. His attacker recovered quickly and lounged for him. They threw punches at each other, also Nasir tried to remove the mask covering his face. He also had a beanie up to his eyebrows.

His attacker soon had his back pressed on the fridge and his arm pressed hard on Nasir's windpipe making it hard for him to breathe. Nasir still reached out to get the mask off. He heard the slash before he felt the pain in his abdomen. His attacker moved away from him, reaching for the back door. Nasir followed him out, his injury hindering him from running fast and soon his attacker had melted into the dark night.

He looked around for some time and when he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him. He removed his hand from where he was pressing his injury and winced at the sight of his bloodied palm. He went back inside his chambers and took the first aid kit from one of the cupboards in the kitchen and dropped it on the island.

He removed his shirt and winced when he saw how bad it was, he suddenly realised that tomorrow he was going to be announced as the official successor of the throne. He started to treat his wound before he lost all the blood in his body.


Ibrahim Nasir sat his legs crossed into each other and his fists rested on his knees. His back straight like a flat surface. Even if he didn't want to, he had to sit like that because of his wound.

He had taken pain killers before the ceremony but he was in dire need of another dose but he couldn't stand up until it was over. The praises, oath taking, advices seemed to go on for too long.

The ceremony was not supposed to be a big thing, just the emirate council, royal family, governor, reporters and others who were not invited.

He was starting to feel dizzy again and he hadn't even gotten any sleep last night, he was awake afraid, he admitted it to himself that he was afraid. Someone had the guts to walk past all the guards and enter his chambers and attack him. He also wondered who but he didn't need to know why, he already knew it was so he wouldn't get the throne.

Finally, it was time for zuhur, so everyone left. He tried standing up but felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. He sat back down and few minutes later, his mother was standing in front of him.

"Nasir? Are you alright?". She leaned over and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Ma? I need to show you something". She looked at him confused.

"What...". Her eyes widened at the sight of blood on the front of his kaftan.

"You're bleeding!". He looked down and hissed at the sight. He had only cleaned the wound but couldn't get it stitched, so it was bleeding again.

𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐈: 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now