chpt 4

12 3 0

Nasir walked into his mother's chambers tiredly. He had to Abuja for a seminar and was away for a two days, he wanted to stay longer but he had patients waiting for him and he needed to eat with a free mind, all the food the ate during his stay in Abuja was tasted by whoever cooked it or brought it to him. Apart from his mother's cooking or his ofcourse, he didn't eat another person's cooking without it being tasted. He had been poisoned when he was just ten years old in the palace and again in school when he was sixteen. No one knew who did it but his mother insisted on him being cautious, so he didn't eat anyone's food even if it was prepared in front of him, the person had to taste it and then he waits for at least five minutes before he eats but to save himself the stress and worry, he hardly ate from anyone.

He didn't meet his mother in the living room, so he went to kitchen and saw her cooking with two maids by the side, the greeted him and he replied before greeting his mother.

"Mama, where is maimunatu?". He asked sipping the cold water he was given.

"Chad". She replied stirring the soup in the pot.

"Wani supermarket ne kuma Chad?". He smiled wondering if he really knew but forgot.

"It's not a supermarket, you don't know Chad, lake Chad?". He dropped the cup slowly the smile disappearing from his face.

"What is she doing there".


"Haba, mama, what does she know?...". He pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed her number, his mother watched him.

"She won't pick up".

"You took away her phone?".

"No, I let her take it. There is no service at all there". He stood up and started to walk out of the kitchen, she followed him.

"Where are you going?". She asked.

"I'm bringing my sister back".

"She is my daughter! I will say when she will return when she is punished she will return". She had a commanding voice naturally and Nasir stopped and turned to face his mother.

"Mama, don't do this please. Maimunatu will not cope, you know her".

"I do and I need her to be matured not go out partying without my permission until 11 in the night". He sighed.

"It's also hard for me, Ibrahim. Not just her. I sent my daughter away, how do you think I feel?". He watched her try not to break down.

"Mama, there are other ways which you could punish her".

"I know. I was going to send her there even if it was not on punishment. I used that as an excuse".

He sighed again and held her shoulders and led her to sit on a couch and sat beside her.

"Are you sure she's going to be alright?". He asked her calmly.

"She will". She nodded and he smiled at her reassuringly.


She left her.

She really left her in this half forest, quarter desert. She was still on the sand where she had fallen while running after her mother's car. She was in shock, how could she leave her in a place like this.

If she had known they'll be coming here, she would never have agreed to follow her. Immediately her brother left for Abuja, she told her to escort her out and they kept on driving for hours and no matter how many times she asked, her mother didn't reply but knowing how she was she stopped asking and enjoyed the company of her phone. Then finally they arrived at the village where she saw kids running around in ragged clothes making her jeans, top, jacket, cap and shoes look like they were brand new. Some kids didn't even have shoes on.

𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐈: 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now