chpt 6

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Sarauniya Fatima drove her car in the dark night. Surrounding her were trees, bushes, and more trees. Finally, she parked her car and took her handbag with her as she went out from the car. She started walking the distance, stopping to sigh every two minutes, not used to the stress but she had to come here every month. It was the only time she drove and went out without guards or maids which was very hard by the way.

After minutes of walking, she stopped in front of a hut. She was about to say a greeting when a raspy voice ordered her in. She removed her shoes and bent her head to step into the hut. She looked at the familiar room with black clothing covering the walls. Cowries and animal skin decorated the black background. She looked down at the old man wearing black clothing, one would think there was air conditioning in the small room or no mosquitoes. She didn't want to seat on the animal skin but she couldn't stand either.

"Mubashir is not interested in the throne". She started.

"So, what do you want me to do?". He said rudely and she suppressed her annoyance, fanning her face from the heat.

"Isn't there something I can give him? Like a medicine, so that he will want it".

"Are you sure that is what you want? If you give him the medicine, wouldn't it be too soon?". He asked.

"Eh, but the king has started to pester Nasir and mubashir is just not serious". She complained.

"I can give you a medicine". He stood up and rummaged around and returned with a black nylon bag.

"Mix it in his food and water for three days". He handed it to her.

"Nawa kudin Ka?". He billed her and she sneered at the outrageous amount but didn't say anything.

She knew he exploited her, asking for very large sums of money but she also knew he knew his stuff. She had never complained about anything from him, so she went with his demands.

She stood up and walked to her car and after she got in, she waited to catch her breathe before driving off into the night.


"Daga ina?". Sarauniya Fatima froze in the middle of the living room as she heard her husband's voice.

"Dama, Yaya na ne ya shigo gari, na je gaishe shi". She said smoothly, used to lying. He watched her, and she stared back and they stayed like that.

"Fati kenan". He let out a laugh and she started to wonder if he really saw through her lie.

"Isn't today zaheera's day?". She asked relaxing. He stood up and stood in front of her.

"The queen mother is returning from her trip tomorrow. I wanted to let you know". Sarauniya showed her irritation but the king ignored it and walked out of her chambers.

Sarauniya Fatima and her mother in law never got along. Mainly because she saw her daughter in law as a gold digger and a sly woman, they had tricked her son into marrying her after all. She constantly reminded sarauniya Fatima how she was not royalty, they both avoided each others presence as much as they could.

The queen mother had found sarauniya zaheera, the daughter of the sultan of Sokoto and her son liked her and the princess liked him too and they got married. The queen mother couldn't be happier when sarauniya zaheera gave birth to her son two days before sarauniya Fatima's. She didn't want sarauniya Fatima to take over her position for any reason. She knew she will turn her son to a puppet and secretly rule their emirate.

The next day, the members of the royal house prepared for the arrival of sarauniya maimunatu. They waited for her in the king's chambers discussing with one another until the announcement of her arrival was heard. Few minutes later, she was walking into the spacious living room.

The older ones greeted her first then Nasir and mubashir followed after. She looked very happy to be back from the holy pilgrimage.

"Ya Naga gidan empty". She commented looking around and walking to take a seat.

"Rashid and nana are in school". Nasir explained.

"Takwara na fah?". Nasir looked at his mother and she nodded slightly.

"She went to stay with her aunt". Sarauniya zaheera replied. Her mother in law stared at her for a whole minute before she smiled and turned to her son.

Sarauniya Fatima excused herself and sarauniya maimunatu started telling them about her trip, mubashir excused himself minutes later and then Nasir. Sarauniya zaheera escorted her mother in law to her chambers and after she sat down with her, she asked her what she expected she would.

"Where is maimunatu".

"Hajiya, I sent her to Chad".

"All the way there! Kinga matsala na da ke kenan. Ba ki da hakuri, karamar yarinyar nan?". Sarauniya zaheera almost rolled her eyes. Everyone was seeing her side of not patient but when maimunatu does something she is a small girl.

"Karki damu. She'll not die there now?". Sarauniya maimunatu shook her head.

"Does he know?".

"I will tell him later on, don't worry". Sarauniya maimunatu nodded worriedly knowing her son wouldn't take it lightly when he finds out his favourite child had been sent to a village.

"Okay, I'll talk to her later". Sarauniya zaheera stared at her.

"What? You didn't let her take her phone?".

"I did".

"Toh, why the look?".

"Ba service ah wurin".

"Wai ni 'yar nan!". Sarauniya maimunatu exclaimed and they laughed.

"I can't deal with you. Just get me the tuwo you promised me". Sarauniya zaheera laughed again.

"I'll be back". She stood and left for her chambers to bring food to her mother in law.


Ibrahim Nasir was resting in his office from working endlessly throughout the day when his secretary came in.

"Your highness! That boy, Ali, his heart is...". Nasir didn't let him finish his sentence as he stood up, slipped his feet in his crocs and snatched his coat from the couch where he had flung it.

Nasir ran to the boy's room. He remembered when the 15 year old was brought to the hospital two days ago and had even treated him and declared that he was going to be fine when he woke up.

He opened the door to the room and saw some nurses and doctors trying to revive him. He went to stand by the bed looking at Ali as he lay lifeless.

"Switch to ambu bag". He said and someone beside him did as he said.

"This won't do, let's go to the op. We have to operate". Someone by the foot of the bed released the wheels and they wheeled him out of the room.

As they left the room, a woman in hysterics grabbed Nasir by the collar.

"Please! Please save my son! Help him". She said.

"We're trying our best". He said trying to pry her hands from his coat. She repeated her words and even though Nasir wanted her to leave him because he needed to go and treat the said son, he was starting to panic and get irritated as he didn't do well with people touching him.

He glanced at a female nurse and she pulled the woman away from him. He rushed to join the others and when he saw the boy and his mother's words ringing in his ears, he climbed the bed and placing his hands atop each other on the boys chest, he followed a rhythm of 1,2,3 as he pressed down on his chest.

He continued even after they were in the op, it was only after some minutes Ali's heart picked up again and Nasir leaned over him letting out a deep breathe, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Later, when he stepped out and met Ali's mother and reported the situation, she almost got on her knees, thanking him.  This was what he wanted, to make people smile by saving their lives, he wasn't interested in making people smile by judging who owned a farm or not.

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