His Office

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The inside of the vent was big. Big enough for her to crawl around in at least.

Hopefully this leads to the outside.
She thought while crawling forward. If it doesn't--

"I've look for her everywhere in the estate, sir."

A voice had echoed through the vents.

Causing [Name]'s eyes to widened.

"None of the other maids had seen her. The last one who did--I believe, was Nakajima, sir.. but she is another hard one to get in contact with." [Name] furred her eyebrows together in confusion. Where is that voice  coming from? She thought. Are they talking about me? But, they're talking about Nana....

[Name] reached a dead-end, meaning she had to go to the vent that was on her left.

"That girl is always around her."

[Name] stopped, when she heard the voice.

"I see that, sir."

[Name] began to crawl again, the voices getting louder as they spoke.

"I don't trust her."

"Which one sir? [Name] or--"

"The servent." 

[Name] stopped when she saw the vent cover come up in front of her. Huh? This is supposed to lead to the outside! Not to--
[Name] watched from the inside of the vents. There was a girl with a white short hair and bangs, who was facing [Name], and then a familiar pink hair and black fade.

Ah, fuck. She thought, backing up a little.

"Master, there is something I like to discuss with you, outside." The girl with the white hair had said. Sukuna nodded, and got up from where he sat before walking out of the room with the lady.

[Name] waited as she watched them walk out before trying to get out of the vent.
She noticed that it was the same key hole as the other vent. Good thing I kept both of the keys. She thought, pulling out the key to the vent.

Lucky for her, a shelf was placed under the vent, making it easier for her to get off the vent. Now that she had something to land on.

She left the vent open, just in case she needed to crawl back in there.

The room was spacious. There were a bunch of bookshelves and a desk in the middle of the room. Must be his office. She thought while jumping off of the bookshelf.

The floor board creaked under her, making [Name] wince a little. I need lighter footsteps. She bent over and took off her shoes, leaving her in her white stockings, walking around bear-footed. She left her shoes by the desk so she can easily and quickly pick it up if she needed to.

Her footsteps were light as a feather as she walked over. Bookshelves covered almost every wall in the room. Expect the one wall had a big fireplace that on top of it, had even more books. He must really like reading. But, on the wall above the fire place was a rectangular red curtain. I wonder what's under it. [Name] walked over to the fireplace (which wasn't lit) and stood on her tippy toes, trying to see what's behind the curtain.

"Ugh." She groaned, trying to get the curtain in between her fingers. She jumped up and finally caught the curtain in her hand, and pulled it when she landed back on the ground.

She gasped.

"Oh my god."

Her eyes scanned all over the picture, the red curtain in her grasp.

It was a oil painting. An oil painting of what seems to be her.
It had the same eyes, same hair, same nose, eyebrows, lips, marks on her face--everything.

Her heart was racing, practically beating out of her chest.

"W-what is this?" She asked, clutching the red curtain in her hand and holding it to her chest.
Voices from the outside where muffled, but seemed to be getting closer, causing her to panic even more.

[Name] quickly threw the curtain into the unlit fire place, and make her way back over to the bookshelf that was under the vent.

"Do you have any orders for me sir?"

They both walked into the room.

"Hm." Sukuna's voice was deep, satisfying. He looked around the room. Something was wrong. And he noticed right away. The lady nodded, not saying anything.
He walked over to his desk, and immediately noticed the pair of shoes. That certainly wasn't his.

He didn't even bother to look at the vent when he said, "Come out."

She mentally cursed in her head. Fuck. He knows.

"I don't like repeating myself."

She had no choice but to come out.

She crawl her way to the front of the vent, and lifted it down.

Sukuna's back faced her, but the lady with the white hair saw her.

[Name] hopped down ontop the bookshelf below her, turned around to fix the vent, and then hopping off of the bookshelf.

She didn't say anything. She didn't have the words to say anything.
Instead she walked to stand in front of his desk.

Her [e/c] eyes stayed on the ground, even though she could feel his gaze wander all over her.

"You're filthy." Sukuna said, seeing the dirt all over her face and the red dress that she was wearing. "What have you been doing that your covered in filth." He said, expecting an answer.

"U-uh, n-nothing." She mumbled, gaze still on the ground.

"Look at me."

His voice sent shivers through her spine. Her [e/c] eyes slowly traveled up his body to finally met his red eyes.

"Good girl." He said. "Now, want to tell me what you were doing to be covered in filth? Hm?"

Sukuna seemed....patient?
That surprised the lady with the white hair.

Lord Sukuna? King of Curses? Him? Being patient? No. For the past hundreds of years, I have never seen him patient. Not once. Unless he was with--

"I wasn't--I...I was exploring under the estate." It technically wasn't a lie. She were exploring under the estate. But...he doesn't need to know why.

"And would you like to explain to me why you were doing that?"
[Name] shook her head.

"No, not really." [Name] mumbled, eyes wandering back down to the floor, but quickly remembering to look back up to him.

Saying 'no' to master Sukuna? You have a death wish indeed. The lady thought, still keeping a straight face.

"Hm. Uraume." Sukuna called.

"Yes, Sir." She said, stepping up.

"Clean her up." He command. And this 'Uraume' nodded, before grabbing [Name]'s arm.

"Follow me." Uraume said, leading you out of the room.

Words: 1100

Guys, I have over 20 x reader books in my drafts and have no idea which ones to post. Worst part is, they're not even completed 💀
Anyways thanks for reading! Love yous :))))

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