Chapter Sixteen- The Innermost Conflict

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Atlas glared at the woman. "What's the plan here?"

Jacob raised his sword. "We take her down. Lila's got some kind of special power, I think she calls it Gravity. She was a real hot-shot back when I was in the Kingston army. I was hoping she'd faded away somehow, but I guess not."

"Gravity?" Maya repeated. "What's that?"

Arvirdi tapped his forehead. "I believe it's some sort of new scientific concept. The rate at which something falls to the ground if I'm not mistaken."

"I don't really know how that translates to a magical power." Xavier chimed in. "We should strike before we find out, I think."

Luna held out her hand and prepared a blast of magic. "Before she can even see it coming." The girl fired out a ball of black magic, it rocketed from their hiding spot and over to Lila. The woman didn't even see the projectile incoming, she was too busy watching the crowd.

That was when a masked figure threw themselves in front of the blast. Xavier barely got a look at the person before the move vaporized them immediately. Lila suddenly turned to where they had been as a series of gasps rang out. "What the hell? W-what was that? Where's Bertie?"

"Alright Captain, got a plan?" Jacob asked.

Xavier analyzed the area and sighed. "Nothing in particular. Let's move in, and stick together. If we overwhelm her and break their ranks, we'll be ok." Xavier charged out from the alleyway and placed his hand on the ground.

A layer of thick ice coated the stone beneath the soldiers' feet. Lila's eyes immediately fell on them. "You! You're the Ice Pirates! What did you just do to my right-hand man?"

Luna stopped right next to Xavier. "Come and find out!"

Lila's pupils seemed to shake as frustration surged through her body. The woman charged directly at Xavier and Luna, her feet cutting through the ice. The woman seemed to be moving as though her body was as heavy as stone.

Luna held out her hand and jumped at Lila, summoning a ball of darkness into her hand. The Heauan girl tried slamming the ball into Lila's body. The woman's hand suddenly lashed out and she grabbed Luna by the neck. The Kingston warrior spiked Luna into the ground and the girl seemed to have her force multiplied.

The soldiers were trying to move to join their commander but were left slipping and sliding on the ice. Arvirdi summoned a series of vines that wrapped around Lila's body. The woman huffed and seemed to explode with energy. The vines all started flying into the air as though they were unaffected by physics.

Maya ran at Lila and jammed her knife into the woman's chest. There was a dull thud, and Maya pulled back the knife to reveal that Lila's flesh hadn't been punctured. Lila chuckled and slammed a fist into Maya's gut. The girl doubled over and crumbled onto the ground.

Xavier and Atlas ran in to strike Lila, swinging their blades at either side of her. The blades seemed to bounce off her body harmlessly. Lila glanced at the pirate and the Guardian, and then speedily swept her leg into Xavier. The man was thrown into one of the houses in Valras.

The kick was incredibly fast, yet also hit as though it was made of pure steel. Atlas teleported into the air and fired magic down onto her body. The woman seemed to endure the blow without any trouble.

Arvirdi moved in to try to stop Lila's reign of terror. The man held out his hands and sent a wave of spores out at her. The Kingston fiend recognized the danger and jumped high into the air, leaving behind a small crater in the ground. Lila grabbed hold of Atlas while ascending and then spun the Guardian around.

Atlas plummeted through the air with the same level of force that Luna had. This must have been what the gravity power was. Lila was shifting the weight of herself and her enemies.

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