Chapter Fifteen- Approching the Imprisoned Isle

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Jacob slammed a fist onto the ground. "Maker damn it! He got the Dragon Fang!"

Xavier sighed. "What's he planning to use it for?" The pirate offered Jacob a hand up and got the boy back onto his feet.

"I don't know," Atlas replied. "He needed the Aero Crown for his original plan, but there's no way he's going to be able to do that again now that the Indigo Jewel is almost entirely shattered."

"Isn't the Dragon Fang another one of the Relics?" Luna recalled, rejoining the group.

The Guardian nodded. "So maybe he can use it for the same purposes as the Indigo Jewel? Astraeus would still need the Aero Crown, though."

Arvirdi pondered over the information they were grappling with. "Then, perhaps he plans to steal it from King Aerolph? This war has likely been a helpful distraction for his own plans."

"Then it sounds like we need to get to the crown first," Jacob concluded. "Eis is out of commission. We need to finish freeing Heacha and then free Clamerates. After that, we can end this and beat Astraeus to the punch."

"Why doesn't Astraeus just swoop in immediately?" Maya asked. "He has the Dragon Fang now, so can't he do whatever it is he's planning?"

Atlas's eyes widened. "Hold on, I remember! It was what Crius said about the Aero Crown, there was some sort of magical protection around it that they needed Lumis to be able to get through. Really, what they needed was Light Magic. However, Astraeus might be waiting for us to show up to use that magic for himself."

"So then, what do we do?" Helena wondered.

Xavier looked out at the city. The fighting was still ongoing, and it wasn't big enough yet. "We stick to our plan. Dragon Fang or not, Astraeus is going to be waiting for us to face down King Aerolph. We need to free the islands, visit the remaining prophecies, and then go to Kingston and end this. All of it."

Atlas looked off to the mountains. "You can all clean up here. I'll get the next prophecy and then come back."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Ya know, Atlas. You could at least pretend to be thankful for my help instead of running away again."

The Guardian's head immediately snapped to face Jacob. "I am not running away. I am doing my job since it's not like anybody else can access these prophecies. Maybe do your job for once and actually save this archipelago." Atlas vanished before Jacob could utter another word.

Fire swirled around the rebel once again. The boy clenched his fists and seemed ready to explode. Luna placed her hand on Jacob's shoulder. "I'm sorry Jacob. Atlas has no right speaking to you like that, you've done the best that you can."

Xavier sighed. "They just don't seem to get it. They will though, with time. That's not for you to worry about though, lad." Jacob glanced up at Xavier and his frustration seemed to fade. "Let's redirect that anger into clearing out Heacha."

The group left the industrial district after securing the soldiers who had been captured during the fighting. A large portion of the organized army had been taken out along with their star general.

"People of Heau!" Maya shouted through the streets. "The Kingston Empire is near collapse! Join us! Fight back against the army, and force them out of our land! Gangs have come together! The islands have come together! It's time to rise up!"

They forced out whatever soldiers they could find, getting them to surrender or retreat from the city. The words of Maya were passionate, and it seemed that many people responded to her calls. Before long, the city was full of people taking a stand against the oppressive government that had held control for so long.

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