Chapter Seventeen- Reward of Resolution

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Kingston's soldiers were soon surrounded by the Clamerates forces. Xavier's efforts with Maya and Luna had punched a large hole in the army, and without Lila, they were easy to pick off.

The group gathered back together after securing Valras. Captain Kendall thanked them for their efforts in freeing the nation. Clamerates would now have to spend time rebuilding, especially with their capital building now in thousands of pieces.

"When you need our help stopping Kingston once and for all," Captain Kendall continued. "You can count on the support of Clamerates."

Xavier shook the man's hand. "Perfect. Thank you, lad. We'll be in touch soon." The man looked back at his group. "We have one more stop before we can finish all of this."

"It's time to go back," Jacob glanced off at the water. "We're going to fix all of this."

Helena was holding hands with her husband, Marcus. "Clyde, are you going to be alright?" She asked the man.

Marcus smiled. "Of course, my love. I assume it's time for the next leg of your journey?"

A level of doubt seemed to cross Helena's face. The woman nodded. "Yes, it seems like it."

Xavier looked at the woman. "Helena, is everything alright?"

His first mate sighed. "Aye Captain, it's just hard to say goodbye." Marcus squeezed the woman's hand.

"Helena, it's alright if you'd like to stay here. Even just for now." The pirate told her.

Helena's eyes widened, and the woman glanced over at Marcus. "I know who I married, and I want you to follow your heart wherever it takes you."

"I-I'm sorry, Captain." Helena stumbled, a rarity for the woman. "Maybe I will stay back, just while you all go to Caros."

"Don't worry about us," Jacob jumped in. "You've got your home back, you should be able to enjoy that."

The woman began to smile. "Aye, if you all insist. Thank you, and best of luck."

The group said their goodbyes and retreated to the Icescaper. Xavier pushed off into the sea, setting a course for Caros. It wouldn't take long before they arrived at the sunken isle.

Arvirdi chuckled as Maya tried to help Xavier. The girl was hard at work now that the man was down his first mate. "Once you're done tying down that sail, you're welcome to pilot the ship again." Xavier offered to the girl.

Maya grinned. "Sounds good!" Luna gleefully watched her girlfriend tie together several ropes and then move to the back of the ship. Xavier helped get her situated, and Maya held the steering wheel with much more confidence.

The pirate sat down next to Arvirdi, keeping an eye on Maya. "How's it feel lad? You've been fighting against Kingston for a little while now."

The man put his hands together. "It's been interesting, watching this group grow and develop. I think the girls are close to finally finding their place in the world. And when Atlas and Jacob work together, they can surmount anything in their way."

The pirate chuckled. "I wasn't expecting a full analysis."

"Ah, I can't help it," Arvirdi replied. "Fighting the soldiers isn't interesting, and I'm not too great at fighting. It'll be a bit lonely without Helena by my side, I must say."

Xavier raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you're all a good deal younger than either of us. Excluding Atlas, given they're a very different case. Plus, you're at a very different stage of life." Arvirdi explained.

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