Chapter Twenty One- The Final Ordeal

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Xavier sighed as they looked up at the foe facing them. "So what the Hell do we do about this thing?"

Jacob raised Lumis. "Same thing we've done with all the others, bring it down and seal it back up."

"Easier said than done." Atlas reminded the boy. They had referred to it as the Unidragon. A massive beast that left Xavier perplexed. Did this mean Dragons were real?

Arvirdi sighed. "I'm not sure how much help I can be. I'm nearly spent at this point."

"Don't worry about it, lad." Xavier wrung out his wrists and narrowed his eyes. "We'll handle this, and then it'll be over."

Maya took Luna's hand and held up her other hand. "How should we get it down?"

The Unidragon was currently flying above the lake, gathering its bearings. While it did notice the group, it didn't seem to be concerned with them. "The Unidragon was the most difficult of the Ancient Monsters to seal away," Atlas explained. "This lake didn't always exist. It was during the fight against it that it was created. This thing has access to all forms of magic, which makes it a real pain to do any substantial damage to it."

Jacob raised an eyebrow. "How is that even possible?"

"It's from the Old World, isn't it?" Luna confirmed, waiting for Atlas to nod. "It was power like this that destroyed that world. It doesn't follow our rules."

"And we don't follow its." Xavier started stomping towards the water. "Let's do this! Everyone!" The man held out his hand and forced the air around the Unidragon to cool. It condensed into multiple icicles that surrounded the monster.

Then, Xavier let them loose directly into the body of the beast. The Unidragon roared and surged through the air, shaking off the icicles. It swooped down and unleashed a blast of Light Magic at Xavier.

Jacob jumped in the way and absorbed the magic with his shield. Xavier glanced up to see that the Unidragon was now flying above them. The beast swung its claws down to strike them. Atlas teleported between the claws and Jacob, parrying the strike with their sword. Luna appeared next to them and raked her scythe across the creature's neck.

The Unidragon hissed as the blow seemed to provide only a small amount of irritation to its scaly body. Helena launched Divios through the air, slamming it into the neck of the monster. The spear seemed to be much more effective, though it wouldn't slow down the beast.

The Unidragon started to flap its wings and sent out waves of hellish wind. The intense gusts blew the group off of their feet. Xavier tumbled back and his hat went flying off of his head. The man looked up and saw that the monster was ramming its head into the ground.

A shockwave rippled across the earth, splitting it into pieces and sinking into the ground. Xavier scrambled to his feet as the unstable earth descended. The pirate grabbed onto the ledge of stable ground and tried to pull himself up.

The man made it halfway and then glanced back at their enemy. The Unidragon now had a giant bubble of water swirling around it. The water rushed into the field they were fighting on. Intense water crashed into the pit where Xavier was moments ago.

The pirate got himself out of the hole and tried to think of a counterattack. The Unidragon's eyes fell on him and it swooped down to strike. The captain didn't see any of his crew around him, he had to act quickly.

Xavier raised his hands into the air, feeling the water in front of him. The water was intense, though not currently under the control of the beast. The pirate forced it to coalesce into a giant pillar that shot through the air.

The Unidragon slammed directly into the pillar and smashed it into pieces. Xavier dashed out of the way as the beast slammed its claw into the ground where he had been. The man had no idea how to defeat a creature like this, or where anyone else had gone.

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