Chapter Twenty- Return of Pain

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Xavier's crew grouped around him. The fighting had come to a stop, Kingston had been beaten. Jacob was practically holding Atlas up as they recovered. Maya and Luna had tears in their eyes. Arvirdi seemed exhausted and Helena triumphantly clutched these crown in her hands.

"Cute," Oh no.

Xavier turned around and saw Astraeus standing behind them. The warlock had Akira in his grasp. "Hand over the crown. Or I'll collect on an old deal."

Kaitos's eyes widened. "I-is that... Astraeus?"

Jacob scoffed. "Like Hell we're doing that! You're as good as dead showing up here, Astraeus!" The rebel charged at the Guardian with his sword at the ready.

"Wait, Jacob!" Xavier shouted. Jacob came to a stop as Astraeus held up Akira. The boy was squirming in the grasp of the monster. "Put him down. He has nothing to do with any of this."

Astraeus laughed. "On the contrary. Give me the Crown, or I'll have to take a different approach."

Helena sighed. "What is he going to do?"

"Don't know," Atlas grumbled. They tried to summon their weapon but were in no shape to do so. "Something bad, I assume."

"You're too judgemental, Atlas." Astraeus mockingly chided. "I must be off, now. Farewell, Pirates." The Guardian then vanished with Akira in tow.

Xavier balled his hands into fists. "Damn it! That bastard! Where did he go?"

Atlas furrowed their brow. "What did he mean? I can't figure out why he would want the kid."

"Astraeus and the Royal Line, they had a connection," Kaitos's voice echoed through the room. "Long ago, they forged a bond. It seems that the Guardian is going to use that for his plans."

Luna's eyes widened. "Astraeus's plan, he's going to be able to enact it!"

"Where did he go?" Maya wondered. "We need to find him and stop him, now!"

"We need to think, he's going to want to engage his plan somewhere we won't be able to find him, right?" Jacob wondered aloud.

Atlas grabbed hold of the Aero Crown. "Hang on! I've got an idea. I don't know if it'll be right, but it's our best bet. The Aero Crown should hopefully help me pinpoint his location."

Arviridi shook himself out. "Then we're going to face him down, correct?"

"Are you feeling alright, lad?" Xavier asked the Maroki chief.

Arvirdi nodded. "I'm just a bit tired. However, there's no time to waste."

"We should be able to get through Astraeus together," Helena asserted. "After all, there are some scores to be settled."

Jacob and Atlas locked eyes, and Xavier nodded at both of them. "Let's give it a shot, then. Is everyone prepared?"

Maya rubbed her hands together. "Let's get going!"

Atlas had everyone hold hands, and then the group vanished. In an instant, they reappeared on a hill overlooking a massive lake. The giant body of water was Lake Aulaure, found in the heart of Kingston.

By the water, there was a large circle of purple light shining on a stone altar. Green light was swirling into the sky and growing in size. Xavier produced a telescope and confirmed that Astraeus was the one behind the spell. "It's him."

Atlas summoned their sword into their hand. "Just like I thought. This is where the last ancient monster was sealed away. It's a point where immense amounts of magic can be found. The perfect spot to end the archipelago."

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