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Chapter 22.

This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This most certainly can't be happening!

The thoughts in my head were running in all sorts of directions. I knew he recognized me, of course he did. He said my name loud and clear. I continued to pace around the room quickly with my finger in between my lips. Although I tried to maintain a clear mind, my thoughts kept tugging at the deeper and darker parts of possible outcomes. I leaned against the wall and slowly slid to the floor. I tilted my head back and as a result, a soft thud against the pasty brown wall was heard.

I sighed, "This can't be happening" My life was turning around for a change. The thoughts were on a verge of becoming overwhelming, I pulled up my legs to my chest and silently cried. I tried muffling my loud sobs that I failed to notice the sound of graceful steps coming my direction. The walking had stopped but a light thud had taken its place.

"It is quite alright, petal" Caleb had whispered as he rubbed my back lightly, "who knows, maybe he does think that she is mine. What is the worst that can happen?" What is the worst that can happen? Was he out of his mind? I raised my head from my where it was currently against and glared at him. How could he think that something good could come out of this? Sure, harry could finally find out but this wasn't the way I imagined telling him, if I ever woman up.

"The worse that can happen is that he may think I'm some sort of -" I started out, but he quickly cut me off angrily. "Don't you dare finish that sentence!" This eyes were dark and his nostrils flared with rage. "Don't you dare. How can you say that towards yourself? The idea itself is repulsive. Layla, anyone who knows you would know you are anything but those unkind words. I am telling you this now, either we can play it out this way if it ever comes to that, Darcy is "mine" or you tell him the truth. The lad deserve it and you know it".

I was shocked at his outburst, mainly because I've never heard him speak with a high and angry tone of voice to anyone, let alone myself. He has never spoken to me this way. I stared into his eyes and saw nothing but genuine and honestly in them. I look down to my feet and my heart sinks. My heart can never belong to this man, he's too good for me. I can't return the feelings I know he has for me as for my heart is taken by the curly haired boy with emerald green eyes.

"You are definitely right Caleb, I should woman up and stop running. But please understand that this isn't the moment. Not right now! Not when his life is in full swing and it's how it should be! Don't take it away from him so soon." I was practically begging him, I was already on my knees by this point. His face fell a bit, "What about your life Layla? When is your life going to be in full swing, as you put it, or put into place? When are you going to start living?" His response had taken me a back because I do not know when my life is going to be as it should. Everything is at its own pace. That's just how I've raised myself to learn just that and Caleb doesn't understand. I for one, honestly believe he never will.

I never meant for things to go like this. I always reasoned with myself that this is the best decision for Harry, even if he wasn't here to have a say in it. I don't think he ever will. I turned to face Caleb and I put on a small smile, "If only it were that easy Caleb, if only it were that easy" and with a final say, I turned around and walked away with my daughter in my arms.

We slowly pulled up to my driveway in silence. The tension was building around us, you could slice it with a knife. The car came to an abrupt stop and I stared outside of my window to avoid any awkwardness. Trust me, it was there. I wanted to apologize for my behavior and I knew I should but I was too embarrassed by my outburst. He opened his mouth to try and say something but nothing left his lips. We were stuck and needed some serious help getting out and through this. I faced him but he was already staring at me. Flustered and embarrassed I spoke out to him.

"Caleb, look I'm really so-" I was cut off abruptly by his lips. They were on mine so sweet and soft, his lips moved along with mine in sync. It was too late to back away now, I was in deep. My hands found their way to his perfectly tousled locks as his hand cupped my cheek. He broke our contact and I sat there with confusion on my mind and lust running through my veins. His palm was still on my cheek as he spoke with the sweetest and lowest voice of his

"I know I might not be an option right now, but I am willing to fight for your love. You need someone who will care for you and be there for you and love you right. I might not be the most indicated person at the moment in your eyes just know that I'm willing to, for you and Darcy. I am falling for you and I know you are still strung up on this guy, just give me chance to earn your love. Let me be an option. That is all I ask of you, Petal."

His words raced through my head like a Nascar competition. He's willing to fight for me and not only be there for me but for Darcy as well. My mind is tugging towards a yes, but my heart still pictures this particular curly haired guy. I deserve to be happy and without saying anything, I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. My eyes bore into his as if he got the message. His smile reached his ears as his eyes kept lingering towards my lips. One more time, he leaned in and pecked them softly and gently.

"Goodnight Petal" I got out of the car and opened the back door to get Darcy out. I started walking away when I turned to look at him, "Goodnight Caleb".

I unlocked my door and stepped inside. "Mum, you awake?" I called out. I heard no response. I took Darcy out of her baby seat and walked towards the living room. "Mum?" I heard her voice, she was in there. "Hey mum, I'm back." I started out "It was such a long day" I finally entered the room and came in eye contact with familiar emerald green eyes.

"Hello Layla, and who is this cutie?"


Authors note:

I'm horrible for not updating since June. I'm sorry, let's not get into details my loves. Just know, I've missed writing and will be back! And I'm speeding this story up because I feel like I've been delaying this for too long! I'm trying out this new technique to get my imagery juices flowin'.


Also, I've decided to cast Scott Eastwood as Caleb. With his fine ass.

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