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Copyright © Andrea / ImForeverYoung19


Oh my goodness I have One Direction right in front of me.

Chapter 11.

All boys stayed quiet taking the time to look me over. What else were they going to stare at besides my face? Not my gigantic yet still to grow stomach, nope not that.

They quietly analyzed my every move till the one with the blond hair decided to speak.

"So babe, you gotta name?" he said with a cheeky smile.

Through the camera I can see the jealousy take over harry as his best mate called me pet names.

"Layla. And yours?" I said trying to sound stutter free and smooth.

"Beautiful name, the names Niall. But you can call me nialler." he said with a wink.

"I'm Zayn, although they call me Zaynie.... I wont tolerate it, it messes up with my mascularity. So its just Zayn babe."

"Oh hush Zaynie" Louis nuggied his head causing Zayn to give Louis a death glare.

"What have I said about my hair mate! You don't touch it!"

Louis starts to tease him as he turns to me, "You see he's the very self-centered one of the group you'd be pretty surprised if you knew how long he takes in the bathroom." he snickered.

"Plus, all that hair pulling is Perries' job."

The snide comment made Zayn blush at an instant deciding to leave the room before more sex jokes were thrown at him.

I wish I could leave the room or end the conversation. But I can't it will be awfully rude, obviously raised better than that.

"Ignore these fools, my name is Liam. Liam Payne." He sincerely smiled at me.

"You may call me Li but that's up to you I'm comfortable with any two. I'm the serious one in the group."

"Yeah, he's daddy direction alright!" Yelled the blonde haired boy in the background.

"Yes, the fans gave me such nickname I think its absolutely adorable."

Louis appeared right next to him.

"The nickname?" Giving him a confusing look.

"No you twit, the time and dedication our fans have towards us." Giving Louis a look that stated "DUH" written all over his face.

I hadn't said much but I think they were okay with that. Harry didn't say much either. I can tell that the news hit him pretty hard. How could I live with myself? He has a career and could actually provide for her. But who am I fooling? I let my pride take over and run over my heart.

For what seemed like ages of silence, Niall bursted my little space out and smiled.

"You okay there?"

"Oh yes, just peachy." but he noticed something was wrong.

"Are you sure babe, cause it seems like your here but your mind is somewhere else."

"Yes, I'm fine thankyou for asking." quickly trying to change the subject, "so where are you guys located now?"

"Well, I think that we are heading to australia. Those aussie fans are pretty wild if you ask me."

"Those german girls too!" Zayn added.

"Shut up, I was talking to her. Rude."

"Oh cheer up snowflake, but sorry to burst your bubble but harry was talking to her first, and I think its time we head out. Co'mon." Zayn got up from the bed and yanked the poor blonde haired boy towards the door.

"It was good to meet you Lays! Add you on skype later babe! Talk to you soon." Niall yelled out before Zayn forcefully pulled him out.

you could still here a faint arguing between the two.

"But I was talking to h-"

"I'll buy you nandos"

"Okay lets go"

and that was the end of it.

'Both Louis and Liam had said goodbye before joining the lads outside leaving only harry and I.

"I'm sorry about the lads getting a little too excited and slightly scaring you. " he started.

"It's fine, they seem like amazing lads."

"they are." his rogue soft voice spoke.

"Layla... about before" trying to get words out, while running his hand through his brown locks.

"What about it Harry?" I'm bold and I'm also strong but he is my weakness and it kills me to see that I am hurting him. I didn't want to. But its for his sake and his career. its at a point where he cannot afford to loose all his hopes and dreams all for a stupid night of pure hormone. Truth is. It wasn't stupid at all, but only I want to believe that it was. I wanted a reason to blame him but I can only blame myself as I brought it all upon myself. I hope that he'll never find out but which ofcourse he is bound to.

He sighed before continuing. " Do you remember the day I decided to try out for the X-Factor?"

"Yes, it was at a candlelight dinner at the beach." I said smiling to myself.

He smiled too, bringing back old memories. "Do you remember what you said to me at last?"

I tried to think but what was it that I said? The memory came flooding back into my mind, a memory that will never be forgotten. A memory that I cherished and through it a life was concieved. The day came back to me, I rememeber it as if it were only yesterday..


"Your voice is amazing.You should really try out for the X Factor this year. I heard there would be auditions held, I don't know where exactly but you should."

He thought about it for a bit.

"Maybe your right, I mean singing is a big part of my life apart from you... I think I shall. But I want you to come with me."

"I'll follow you till the end Harry."

~Flashback ended~

I told him that I will follow him till the end, and that meant including my love. I cleared my throat not being able to speak, the memory ahd shooken me up. I looked up at the camera not being able to tell if he could notice the tears in my eyes. His soft rosey lips spoke. "Well do you?" I shook my head in a no formation, he needed to think that I didn't love him anymore, that I've finally moved on. I need to convince myself that this is all for his own good.

"Well I do" he stared at me. "You said, "I'll follow you till the end... what happened to us Lays?" I looked at him and decided it was time to put on my big girl pants, not meaning the maternity jeans. "What happened was, It was time to move on harry. I couldn't wait years till you'd come back. What if you had moved on? I would've been that Ex that stupidly waited for you. " He cut me off there not being able to contain himself. "We never broke up Layla. Never did I state the words, We're over. I'm still in love with you babe." Tears were starting to pour from his eyes. I've finally hit a button. I couldn't do this anymore. "Well I don't love you anymore"

As much as it killed me saying those words, I knew I had too.

ImForeverYoung: Im back my lovely Younglings. Yeah that's what Imma call you now, So deal with it. Love you thankyou for the patience. Please send me pretty banners <3

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