2 | beautiful

42 21 15

Cool About It - boygenius
"So I take some offense when you say, "No regrets"."

It's 11 a.m. and the girls and I are getting ready to go have brunch. Our plans for today were to go to a boardwalk but that was going to be later in the evening, so I guess for now we're just going with the flow.

"Are you guys done yet?" Aspen groans from the couch while Faye and I are in the bathroom getting ready.

"Calm down sleeping beauty just because you wake up looking perfect doesn't mean the rest of us do." Faye tells her as she's applying her mascara.

I laugh at them as I finish putting on my last rings and head out to the main room and grab my purse.

"Alright ladies ready to go?"

They nod in response, and we head out. Earlier we looked up nearby cafes and there was one that was a 5-minute walking distance from our hotel, so we decided to just take a walk.

We sat in a car for 2 days, I'm sick of it.

We chatted on our way there and finally reached. Oh wow. This place looked like it was straight out of pinterest.

I take out my phone and quickly snap a picture because I take pictures of absolutely everything.

It's a problem.

We placed our orders; I got a grilled cheese and iced caramel latte because I'm picky and simple.

"You know I'm kind of impressed by this place. It's the most aesthetically pleasing cafe I've ever seen" Faye says as we sit down. She's right, it's beautiful.

"Well ladies don't waste my time, take out those phones my instagram has been looking way too plain." Aspen grins.

I playfully roll my eyes as we start taking some pictures. Soon enough our orders were ready and just as we got our food some familiar faces were sitting down at the table next to us.

"Funny seeing you guys again." Logan smiles at us.

And here I was thinking I'd never see them again.

"What brings you guys here?" Faye asks, sipping her coffee.

"Same reason as you, there's not much to do at a cafe other than eat don't you think?" Logan laughs.

We laugh and continue to have small talk with the boys, but August stays quiet the entire time. The boys get their food while we're almost done with ours.

Daniel looks towards us and asks, "What do you guys have planned for today?"

"We're going to the boardwalk later this evening, but we don't have much planned for right now." I respond before taking a sip of my latte.

"Well maybe you guys can hang with us, we were planning on having a pool day at the beach house so you guys are welcome to join and then we can all go to the boardwalk together tonight." Logan tells us.

I look at August as he nudges Logan's elbow, mouthing "dude." I caught it.

Logan ignores him looking towards us for an answer. I look towards the girls who seem to be fond of the idea.

"Yeah, sure that would be fun." Aspen smiles. "We just need to get some things from our hotel beforehand."

"That's fine, you guys go back to your hotel we'll tell you the address. It's only a 10-minute drive from here." Finn tells us.

Now are we really going to go to the beach house of these boys we just met yesterday? Yes.

Should we probably be more careful just in case their serial killers? Sure.

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