Ep I [Raabta]

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"Divya, are you sure you can handle everything there?" the feminine voice on the other end of the call asked, concerned. Divya, who was arranging her clothes in the wardrobe, sighed. "Anu, I'm fine. I'll be okay here. Don't stress too much."

"Okay! And what about your job?" She asked, making Divya let out another sigh. One of her colleagues had found a job for her here in Mumbai. "Revaan has found a job for me. The interview is tomorrow," she said, before laying down on the bed.

Her whole body was arching in pain; she just wanted a hot bath and a nice, long nap. After the death of her father, she had come back to Mumbai to handle some paperwork. She was selling her father's mansion since she had no use for it now.

Everyone was gone from her life, first her mother and now her father. A tear rolled down her eyes, and she quickly wiped it away. "Divya? Are you there?" She cleared her throat before answering her friend. "Y… yeah! Anu, I'll call you later. I'm really tired right now."

"Okay, take care."

"Hmm, bye."

She closed her eyes, trying to rest for a bit. But she couldn't; her eyes started tearing up again. "Why?" She picked up the photo frame of her parents from the side table. "Kyu? Itni jaldi Jana zaroori tha kya? Main akeli hoon maa, papa. Bohot dar lag raha hai."

She let out a heart-wrenching cry, holding the photo frame closer to her chest. After a few minutes of crying, she got up from the bed and headed towards the balcony. Her heart was still heavy as she grabbed the railing and glanced at the starry night sky.

It was beautiful. She inhaled a deep breath before exhaling slowly, trying to calm herself. She lowered her head before letting out a shaky breath and looked at the sky again. "I miss you."


"Where was the pin? Damnit!" Divya was already late for her interview and she couldn't even find her safety pin. Her saree was perfectly pleated, but because she couldn't find her pin, she let it fall on her arm. "It's better," she looked at the time, "Oh shit! I'm too late."

Grabbing the keys, she exited from her apartment.she was feeling nervous, how will the interviewer react? She knew she messed up. Glancing at her watch, her bite lower lip, 10:12. She was to be there at 10:00, "bhaiya thoda jaldi chalaye."

Her nervousness was reaching the peak, soon she arrived at Kapoor's Ltd. Paying the taxi driver she made her way inside the company. She took a deep breath, clutching the file in her hands, she went towards the reception.

"Uh, excuse me."

The receptionist looked up at her and smiled politely. "Good morning, ma'am. How may I help you?"

"I'm here for the interview, can you please tell me the way?"

"For which department ma'am?"

"Finance Management"

"It was supposed to be at 10:00. You're late. Mr. Kapoor have already arrived"

"I know, but can you please talk to him?"

"I can try"

The receptionist made a call to Mr. Kapoor, the line was answered within few rings, "Mr. Kapoor," looking at her talking to him, made Divya more nervous. She can't lose this job, how was she going to pay for her living?

Divya looked at the receptionist with hope glimmering in her eyes. "Okay, Mr. Kapoor" the receptionist ended the call before turning her attention towards Divya, "he called you inside, take the lift, 30th floor, turn left and you'll find his cabin" she thanked the receptionist, smiling before going towards the lift.

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