Ep I [Aashiqui]

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Aditya Verma, the captain of Para SF commando, stands with nine fellow commandos outside a reinforced door, wearing black tactical gear. Gunfire and screams can be heard echoing through the hotel.

"Alpha Team, we're ready to breach. Stand by." Aditya said, through radio headset

Inside a dimly lit room, ten terrified hostages huddle in a corner, whispering for hope. The sound of approaching footsteps grows louder. Suddenly, the door burst open, creating a blinding light.

Aditya and his team storm into the room, weapons raised and scanning for threats.

"Hostages, stay down! We're here to get you out. Stay calm and follow our lead." Aditya whispered.

The commandos quickly assess the situation. They secure the room, covering each entrance, as Aditya approaches the hostages.

"We're Para SF commandos. We're trained for this. Follow us, stay close, and remain silent. We'll get you to safety." He whispered again, before checking for any threat.

The hostages, clinging to each other, nod anxiously, placing their trust in the commandos, who exude a sense of calmness under pressure.

Aditya and his team lead the hostages toward the roof access door. They navigate through corridors, using hand signals to communicate silently. The sound of gunshots and explosions grows louder.

Commandos carefully reach the rooftop, scanning for potential threats. Aditya peers over the edge, observing snipers stationed across the nearby buildings.

"We have snipers covering our exit route. Stay low, and move quickly to the designated extraction point. We'll keep you safe." He said, before leading the way.

The hostages hurriedly follow Aditya's lead, crawling across the rooftop as the commandos form a protective shield around them. Suddenly, a barrage of bullets erupts from the distance.

Commandos skillfully return fire, suppressing the snipers while maintaining cover for the hostages.

"Keep moving! Don't stop until we tell you to!" He yelled, tightening his hold on his AK-47.

Aditya and his team guide the hostages to an awaiting helicopter. The deafening sound of rotor blades fills the air, drowning out the echoes of gunfire.

Commandos skillfully usher each hostage onto the helicopter, constantly scanning the area for any remaining threats.

"All hostages aboard! We're clear for extraction!" He said, through the radio headset.

The helicopter lifts off, disappearing into the night sky, leaving the chaos and danger behind.

"The game begins now!" He muttered, his gaze sharpened.

Aditya and his team return to the fight, determined to neutralize the terrorists who dare to hold innocent lives hostage.

As they reenter the hotel, Aditya's adrenaline surges. His training kicks in, and he swiftly moves from room to room, clearing each one methodically. Gunfire erupts around him as his team engages with the enemy, trading shots and grenades.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Aditya and his team reach the heart of the hotel, where the last remaining terrorists are holed up. The firefight intensifies, and Aditya's senses are heightened. He directs his team's firepower strategically, keeping the enemy pinned down.

The Alpha team overpower the remaining terrorists. The echoes of gunfire subside, and a resounding silence fills the air. The hotel is now secure.

Exhausted but relieved, Aditya took a moment to catch his breath.

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