Ep VII [Aashiqui]

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"Siya at least tell me the real reason why are you leaving for Kashmir? You said you have other important work here than why?" Adhira requested, she held Siya's hand making her turn towards her, her eyes full of worry.

"Siya please, is everything okay?" Adhira asked again, Siya sighed heavily before settling herself on the edge of her bed, "Adi… he's on a mission, I'm scared Adhira. I can't live without him…" she finally stated, her voice trembling.

Adhira's eyes widened, "w… why didn't you tell us earlier?" She muttered, sitting next to her, "Don't tell anyone please, I don't want mom to get worried" Siya pleaded. Adhira nodded her head, understanding her words, "I'll come with you!"

"No Adhira… Mom and others need you here… please stay here and take care of them" Siya whispered before on her lower lip, Adhira let out a heavy breath and nodded her head, "okay."

Siya could see the conflict in Adhira's eyes, the desire to be by her side and support her conflicting with her responsibility towards their family. It pained Siya to see her best friend torn, but she knew Adhira's presence was crucial for their family during this difficult time.

"Thank you, Adhira," Siya whispered, squeezing her best friend's hand. "I know it's hard for you to stay behind, but please, take care of everyone here. I'll keep you updated on everything that's happening."

Adhira nodded, her eyes filled with tears. "I promise, Siya. I'll be strong for all of you. Just promise me one thing." Siya looked at her friend curiously, waiting for her request.

"When you're there, please take care of yourself too. Don't get too caught up in worrying about Bhai that you forget to take care of your own well-being. Promise me, Siya."

Siya smiled weakly, touched by her concern. "I promise, Adhira."
"The medical teams will be divided into four groups for each regiment" the senior doctor said, "Dr. Vidhi, Siya and Harshit will go to the BSF regiment-" his words were cut off by Siya.

"Sir! I… I want to serve the Parachute regiment"  Siya said, determination laced in her voice. The senior doctor frowned and shook his head, "no Dr. Siya, only male doctor will be posted there"

Siya felt a surge of frustration at the doctor's response. She had anticipated this resistance, but it still hurt to be rejected based on her gender.

She steeled herself and spoke firmly, "Sir, I understand your concerns, but I have been trained for this. I am capable of serving in the Parachute regiment just as well as any male doctor."

The senior doctor paused, considering her words. He could see the determination in Siya's eyes, but the thought of a single woman in a high-risk area concerned him. After a moment, he sighed and nodded his head. 

"Very well, Dr. Siya. I will make the necessary arrangements for you to be assigned to the Parachute regiment. But remember, the conditions will be challenging, and you must be prepared to face them."

Siya's heart swelled with gratitude for the opportunity. She nodded her head vigorously. "Thank you sir"


"Uh… Dr. Siya, you're the only woman here. If you need any help, please ask it without hesitation" the co said, he voice calm yet strict. Siya gave him a polite smile and nodded her head.

"Thank you, I appreciate your concern. I will definitely ask for help if I need it," Siya replied, her voice filled with determination. She knew she would face many challenges being the only woman in a male-dominated environment.


PoK [Rural Area] - NIGHT

Aditya was sitting in a dimly lit room with a wall filled with maps of the local area of Kashmir. His team, all highly trained Para SF commandos, are gathered around a large table, studying blueprints and intelligence reports.

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