Ep VII [Raabta]

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Atharv and Divya arrived at the business party. Divya gave him a soft smile before going towards her colleagues, leaving him with other businessmen and women. As they were busy conversing, the host asked everyone to get on the floor with their dates for the first dance.

Atharv looked towards Divya and smiled before making his way towards her. As he was about to get closer, a lady halted him, "Mr. Kapoor, may I have this dance with you?" she asked, smiling at him. Atharv gave her a tight smile and nodded. His eyes met Divya's again.

She slowly closed her eyes, reassuring him. He sighed before saying yes to the lady. They went towards the stage, and soon they started dancing in slow steps.

Atharv tried to focus on the dance, but his mind was still thinking about Divya. He couldn't help but steal glances in her direction, hoping she would understand his predicament. Divya, however, seemed unfazed, enjoying the company of her colleagues and occasionally exchanging glances with Atharv.

As Divya watched Atharv dance with someone else, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Though she had encouraged him to accept the lady's invitation, a pang of jealousy crept within her. She couldn't suppress the urge to be in Atharv's arms.

"They look good together, don't they?" one of her colleagues said, smiling at Atharv and the other lady. Divya gave her a tight smile and nodded her head. "You know, we always ship them. I can't wait to see them get married."

"Yeah! And there was this rumor that Mr. Kapoor and Ms. Dhawan are dating!"

Divya frowned upon hearing her colleague's words. She looked at Atharv, who was smiling and laughing with the lady, Ms. Dhawan,  her heart started to feel heavy.

'maybe she's the one for him'

Tears started to gather in her eyes, she smiled sadly, glancing at Atharv. She took a deep breath before heading towards the exit, trying to compose herself. She couldn't bear to watch Atharv with someone else any longer.

As Divya made her way outside, she leaned against a wall, taking a few moments to collect her thoughts and regain her composure. She took a deep breath, wiping away the tears that had escaped her eyes.

"It's best for him, Divya. He deserves someone better, not a burden like you," she whispered to herself, her chin wobbling a little. She started to walk again, but her steps halted when someone grabbed her wrist, making her turn towards the person.

And it was none other than Atharv. He frowned as he saw her red, teary eyes. He slowly pulled her closer. "What happened?" he asked, not understanding why she was leaving without even considering telling him.

When she didn't respond and just kept looking at him, he asked again, "Divya! What happened? Why were you leaving?" Divya let out a shaky breath before lowering her head. "I... I was not feeling well, so-"

"Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital?"

"No, Atharv. I'm okay... I just want to rest a bit. Don't worry, I'll take a cab. You should go inside; everyone must be waiting for you," she said in a rush, attempting to smile at him, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. And Atharv knew she was hiding something.

He shook his head. "Fine, let's go home-" his words were cut off by Divya. "No, Atharv. I can manage," she said, her words causing him to frown.

"I can't leave you, Divya."

"Why? I'm telling you I'm fine, I can go alone. I don't need you, Atharv!" she shouted before walking towards the main road. Atharv didn't say anything but simply followed her.

"Don't follow me! Go back to your girlfriend!"

Atharv frowned again and jogged towards her, grabbing her elbow gently. "What girlfriend, Divya?" he asked, looking at her tired face.

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