Ep I [Ishq]

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"No way! I don't know anything. Just cancel your date or whatever, but I'm not going to the party in your place," Ekansh stated, heading towards the kitchen.

"Come on, Ekansh, you know I don't like parties and, really, I have a date with Naina," his friend said, following him to the kitchen. Ekansh turned towards him and gave him a 'so done' look. He sighed before opening the refrigerator. "Do you want some?" he asked, showing Abhimanyu the beer cans.

"No... I'm good," Abhimanyu replied, shaking his head. He leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms.

"Just hear me out, Ekansh," Abhimanyu continued. "I understand that you're busy, but it's just this one time. I really need a favor from you."

Ekansh closed the refrigerator door and turned to face Abhimanyu, a bemused expression on his face. "What kind of favor?"

Abhimanyu took a deep breath. "You know I've been trying to build a stronger connection with Naina, right? She is so happy about this date. I don't want to ruin her happiness. Please, you'll do me a great favor by going to the business party for me."

Ekansh sighed, realizing how important this was to his friend. "Fine," he reluctantly agreed. "But only because it's you and Naina. I'll go to the party, but you owe me big time."
"Fuck you, Abhimanyu. You bastard, why did I even say yes to your request" Ekansh muttered under his breath, looking at the dull business party. He thought at least he'll get a good laid but all he saw here was old business men and their wives or girlfriends.

He felt completely out of place, standing alone in the corner with a drink in his hand. The music playing in the background was a dull, generic tune that only added to his growing boredom.

Finding no solace in mingling with the other guests, Ekansh decided to venture outside for some fresh air. He stepped onto the terrace, away from the noise and monotony of the party. The cool night breeze provided some respite from the suffocating atmosphere inside. Leaning against the railing, Ekansh looked up at the starry sky.

"Listen to me, Priya. This is normal, I've been seduced by your sister and I gave in. It's not my fault, she's the one who-"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear any more of your excuses," a voice interrupted, cutting through Ekansh's thoughts. He turned around to find a  woman standing there with a man, he was not able to see her face but the man's face was clear to his eyes, Ahuja's son.

He smirked seeing their business opponent's son in a compromising situation. "Well, well, well, Yuvraj Ahuja, caught in the act, huh?" Ekansh said, crossing his arms and leaning against the railing. Yuvraj's eyes widened in shock as he recognized Ekansh.

"What are you doing here?" Yuvraj stammered, attempting to regain his composure.

"I could ask you the same thing," Ekansh replied with a grin. "Looks like you hurted the pretty lady quite badly."

Yuvraj's face turned red with anger and embarrassment. "You better not say anything about this, Mr. Singhania."

Ekansh raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I don't know about that. It might actually benefit our company. It could ruin your family's reputation, and believe me no one will be more happier than me…"

Yuvraj's eyes widened in fear. "You wouldn't dare."

Ekansh chuckled. "You underestimate me Mr. Ahuja. I won't hesitate to use this information to my advantage if necessary."

"What do you want?"

Ekansh smiled, enjoying the power he held in this situation. "You know our company wants the tender and I don't want to hear about any more of your dirty tricks. If you can promise me that, I'll consider keeping your little secret."

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