Ep V [Raabta]

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"Because of your jealousy, Divya has to go through everything alone," Atharv said, looking out over the cityscape from the huge glass walls of his company. Revaan let out a sigh, lowered his head, and bit his lower lip. "I know, and I'm guilty for that. I'm sorry."

Atharv's jaw clenched in anger as he turned towards Revaan, his eyes glaring at him. "Your sorry is not going to help. You should have thought before doing this." Although Atharv appeared calm, his heart was burning with rage.

"I don't want you near Divya," Atharv walked towards Revaan, maintaining eye contact. "Don't ever show us your face again. Get out!" Revaan just stared at him, knowing he had done wrong but feeling truly sorry now.


"Get out!"

Atharv's voice boomed, cutting off Revaan's attempt to explain himself. The command echoed through the spacious office, the anger in his tone palpable. Revaan felt his heart sink.

Silence engulfed the room as Revaan stood there, his eyes searching Atharv's face for any sign of leniency. But all he found was disappointment and hurt. With a heavy heart, he turned and walked towards the door, his steps heavy with regret.

As Revaan reached the threshold, he paused, a flicker of hope igniting within him. "Atharv, please," he pleaded, his voice trembling. "I know I made a terrible mistake, but I am truly sorry. I never wanted Divya to suffer, I just wanted her to be mine but she always chooses you, she always loved you."

Atharv's gaze softened for a moment, his anger momentarily melting away. But the hurt remained. "Sorry doesn't undo the damage, Revaan," he replied, his voice laced with bitterness. "You betrayed our trust, and now we have to face the consequences."

Revaan nodded, his face etched with remorse. He understood the weight of his actions, the impact they had on their friendship and Divya's well-being. "I will leave, as you wish," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I hope someday you can forgive me."

Without waiting for a response, Revaan turned once again. As the door closed behind him, Atharv's shoulders slumped, the weight of their shattered bond evident in his defeated posture. Looking out over the cityscape, Atharv sighed heavily, today he lost a friend of ten years.
Entering Divya's apartment, Atharv observed the mess she had created. He slowly made his way towards her room, but the sight in front of him made him catch his breath. "Divya!" He quickly sprinted towards her, finding her lying motionless on the bed.

Carefully lifting her up, he gently tapped her cheeks, his heart pounding at an unusual rate. "Divya! Hey..." He pressed his ear against her chest to listen to her heartbeat, which was beating slowly.

He sighed in relief upon hearing her heartbeat, realizing that she was just asleep and nothing had happened to her. Atharv had been terrified at the thought of losing her forever when he saw her lying like that on the bed. He gently placed her back down before tenderly stroking her cheeks with his thumb.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he admired her peaceful face. He knew he had failed by not being there when she needed him the most. But from now on, he vowed to stand by her side and face any challenges together.

Softly, Atharv brushed away a strand of hair from Divya's face, his touch filled with affection and regret. He slowly rose and sat on the edge of the bed, his hand lingering on her cheek.

Leaning closer, Atharv planted a gentle kiss on Divya's forehead, his lips lingering for a moment. As he stood up from the bed, he glanced at the messy room, whispering, "She must be tired." He removed his suit and began organizing everything meticulously, ensuring that he packed her clothes and belongings as they were going to move together to his penthouse.

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