Ep V [Aashiqui]

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It was their last day in Dehradun, so the oldies thought to give Siya and Aditya some alone time together. Aditya was really excited to take Siya out on a date, so he asked his sister, Adhira, to join them. However, she declined, saying she didn't want to ruin their small date.

Well, Aditya was happy about it. Siya, on the other hand, was nervous as she had never gone on a date with him before. As they walked hand in hand, Siya felt her heart racing with anticipation. Aditya could sense her nervousness, so he gently squeezed her hand, making her look at him. He smiled softly and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you have a great time with me." This earned a wide smile from her.

They took a bus, but it was full, and they couldn't find any seats to sit. Aditya carefully held Siya close to him, with his palm on her lower back. She blushed when he pulled her closer, causing their chests to collide.

A small smile tugged at his lips as he saw Siya turning red. As the bus started moving, Aditya kept Siya close to him, making sure she felt safe and comfortable. Siya relaxed in his embrace and leaned against his chest, sharing whispered conversations and stolen glances.

"Go sit there," Aditya said, noticing an empty seat beside them. Siya nodded and settled herself on it. Meanwhile, Aditya stood in front of her, leaning against the metal pole for support. He watched Siya with adoring eyes, his heart swelling with love for her. He couldn't help but be amazed by Siya's beauty and the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed.

"Are you both married?" an old lady on the next seat asked, smiling at them. Siya shook her head and was about to respond when Aditya interrupted, "Yeah, she's my soon-to-be wife."

The lady frowned and told Siya to get up. Confused, Siya furrowed her eyebrows but complied without saying anything. Aditya didn't say anything either; he just kept looking at the lady.

"You sit, son," she said, gesturing for Aditya to sit on the seat Siya previously occupied. Aditya hesitated, but the lady insisted, "Just sit!" Aditya licked his lips and glanced at Siya, clearly feeling her nervousness. He then settled himself on the seat.

"Now you sit above him," the old lady pointed at Siya, indicating for her to sit on Aditya's lap. Siya's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting such a request.


Aditya lowered his head, a small smile forming on his lips. Siya slowly sat on his lap, her eyes lowered timidly. Aditya wrapped his arms around her waist and gently took her hand, intertwining their fingers.

Siya glanced at their intertwined hands, a small smile playing on her lips. Her smile widened when Aditya brought her hand up to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss. Aditya occasionally brushed a strand of hair away from Siya's face or placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, making her heart flutter.

As the bus ride continued, Aditya made Siya laugh with his silly jokes, and Siya couldn't help but admire Aditya's warmth and affection. The old lady sitting next to them watched their interactions with a smile, clearly delighted by their love for each other. She couldn't help but reminisce about her own younger days, when love was new and exciting.

Finally, their bus ride came to an end, and they reached their destination. As Siya was about to step off the bus, the same lady gave her a light push, causing her to fall onto Aditya. He immediately wrapped his arms around her.

"Oh! Sorry, sorry!" the old lady quickly apologized. Siya blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed. Aditya chuckled and held onto her tightly, saying, "It's alright. Thank you for your concern." He reassured the old lady with a warm smile. As Siya turned around, the old lady gave her a playful wink, her eyes filled with mischief. Siya blushed even harder.
As the sun started setting, casting a warm orange glow over the park, Aditya pulled out a surprise gift from his bag. It was a small jewelry box, and Siya's eyes widened with anticipation as he handed it to her. She opened it to find a delicate silver necklace with a heart-shaped locket.

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