Ep II [Raabta]

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8 years ago

"Divya, let me explain, Divya!" Karan held her elbow, jerking her towards him. She hissed when her arm hit his chest, glaring at him. She tried to free herself from his grip, but his hold was too strong.

"Listen to me once, Divya-"

"There's nothing left to hear. Leave me," she cut his words, wiggling to escape his grasp, but he tightened it further, causing her to squint her eyes in pain. "Y... you're hurting me, Karan. Le... leave me."

Soon, she felt his grip loosen. Divya opened her eyes, but what surprised her was Atharv grabbing Karan's wrist in a tight grip. "She said to leave her," Atharv said, still holding Karan's wrist. Though Karan was more muscular than Atharv, Atharv now looked more intimidating.

"How dare you! You low-life fucker." Karan freed himself from his grip before punching him in the face, making Atharv fall on the floor with a loud thud. He jumped on him and started to shower Atharv with punches.

She went towards them, "Stop it, Karan. You'll kill him!" She tried to stop him by holding his hands, but Karan, who was blinded with anger and frustration, pushed her hard, causing her head to hit the table.

"Ah!" Divya let out a sharp cry of pain as her head made contact with the hard surface of the table. She crumpled to the floor, clutching her head, tears welling up in her eyes. The room suddenly fell silent as Atharv punched Karan on the nose, making him lose his senses.

Seeing Divya injured, Atharv immediately rushed to her side, his face filled with concern. "Divya, are you okay?" his voice trembling with a mix of anger and concern.

Divya slowly looked up at Atharv, tears streaming down her face. She felt a throbbing pain in her head and reached up to touch the spot where she had hit the table. Atharv's worry only intensified as he saw her tears and heard her whimpering.


It has been 2 weeks since Divya started working in his company, and Atharv hadn't approached her much. The last time they had talked to each other was on the day of her interview. Atharv looked through the glass wall at Divya and her team interacting with each other.

She was smiling at them, but that smile didn't reach her eyes. Feeling  someone's gaze on her, so she turned around towards the side of his cabin, only to find him staring at her soul. He maintained eye contact, not caring about what she thought. Divya almost immediately broke their eye contact as his eyes were too intense, making her shiver to the core.

"Divya, can you bring us some coffee?" her senior asked. She nodded her head before getting up from her seat. She went straight to the cafeteria. After buying four coffees, she turned to leave, only to bump into something hard, causing the coffee to spill on his shoes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Divya exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock as she looked up to see Atharv standing in front of her, his shoes stained with coffee.

Atharv looked down at his shoes, then back up at Divya, his expression unreadable. "It's alright," he said calmly, though his eyes held a hint of amusement.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and guilt, Divya quickly apologized again. "I'll get some napkins to clean it up," she offered, her cheeks flushing with color.

Atharv simply nodded and watched as she hurriedly grabbed some napkins from a nearby table and bent down to wipe the coffee off his shoes. She was about to touch his shoes when Atharv moved a step back, "I'll do it" he said huskily before kneeling down.

His eyes met hers, he slowly took the napkins from her, his fingers deliberately touching hers. "I… I'm Divya" she whispered, trying to make him remember her. Atharv nodded without glancing at her; he was focused on cleaning his shoes.

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