Your Not Alone 2

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Briar's POV

8:30 pm

I was surprised by Violet's reaction to me telling her that I'd went through her phone without permission. She's been so stressed with Aiden I don't think she even really heard me let alone cared. She asked me to come over later as she didn't want to be alone and it broke my heart. It's as though all the color and energy has been sucked out of her these past few weeks and I don't know what to do.

I feel responsible for Aiden's actions yet it's out of my control. I feel like this is all my fault. If I had never approached her at the bus stop she never would've befriended me and she'd never have become Aiden's target. No matter what I do I'm always hurting someone it seems.

I laid in bed texting Guppie about this whole situation.

Briar: I hate that Aiden is hurting Violet and I feel like it's my fault

Gup: It's not your fault he's crazy B. You can't control him or what he does. It is a really shitty situation tho

Briar: I've tried talking to him, I've tried threatening him and nothing works. He just won't let go of her because he knows it hurts me

Gup: That's what he's always wanted yk, to get back at you for dumping him. Jerks like Aiden don't let up unless something big happens.

Briar: What do you think I should do?

Gup: The devil on my shoulder is saying you should make him hurt buuuut maybe you should try ignoring him. I know it's hard with him messing with Violet and all but obviously engaging with him is only adding fuel to the fire.

Briar: I know but you should've seen her today, she looked exhausted by the whole situation.

Gup: Just be supportive and make sure she ignores him too.

Briar: Thanks

Gup: Of course, and let me know if anything changes.

I turned off my phone and looked at the time. I started walking over to Violet's. I know I said I'd come at 9 but I needed to see her. When we talked earlier she looked like she was on the verge of a mentally breakdown and I'm responsible for all of this.

I snuck out my window making sure to lock my bedroom door before leaving and heading over. I climbed to her window and knocked before opening it. When I got in I felt my heart drop. Violet was asleep on her bed holding hands with that redhead she hangs out with sometimes. I stood their for a moment in shock when the boy started to wake up and looked at me confused and scared.

"Briar?" He said putting his glasses on.

"Why are you here?" I said, stoic.

"Why are you here?" He questioned.

Violet started to wake up and looked at the two of us. Her eyes went wide as her eyes bounced between the two of us. I felt my expression soften as I looked at her. She looked rough.

"Hey Vi, sorry we woke you up, I just didn't expect someone else to be here."

"What time is it?" She said rubbing her eyes.

"It's 8:45" The boy said.

"Your early." She said with a guilty look.

"I was worried."

She breathed in and sighed. "Briar you remember Mateo right? From school? He came over to check on me and I guess I fell asleep." She said continuing to rub her eyes and her forehead.

"Oh." I looked at Mateo still kind of confused who looked at me terrified.

"Thank you guys for coming over. Things have been really stressful and I'm glad I'm not alone."

Whatever petty rivalry I had felt towards Mateo was instantly gone and I sat down next to her. Mateo seeing this did the same.

"I know you've been keeping a lot of what's going on to yourself but you can talk to us, we want to listen." Mateo said.

Violet sucked her knees to her chest and stared straight ahead at the wall. I could see the tears welling in her eyes and put my arm around her. Mateo put a hand on her knee and we made brief eye contact before focusing in on Violet.

"I guess I'm not as strong as I thought I was. I can't deal with Aiden harassing me anymore and I- I'm spiraling." She said as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Vi. I know how awful he is and it's my fault he's even doing this."

"What do you mean?" Mateo cut in.

"He's my ex boyfriend. Our breakup was rocky and he's been obsessed with me ever since. I don't know why but he wants me to hurt and he knows that I care about Violet so he's been fucking with her to get to me. It seems like every time I try to get him to stop it just makes him worse. I'm sorry Violet. Maybe it..." I felt tears start to prickle my eyes. "Maybe it would've been better if we never met. You wouldn't be going through this if it weren't for me." I looked down placing my hands in my lap thinking.

If I had never approached her on the first day Violet would never have been on Aiden's radar. She's going through this because of me. The guilt was choking me.

Violet looked over to me with sad eyes. "Hey Mateo, thank you for coming over but do you think you could give me and Briar some space? I really appreciate you coming over." She looked at Mateo. He nodded and gave her a hug before climbing out the window and presumably going home.

Now it was just me and Violet.

I felt my heart sink as emotions I didn't know I was holding in started to spill out. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be the one crying right now, this is all my fault." I squeezed my hands together hoping to push the feelings back down.

"No no, please don't say that. You're not responsible for your ex's actions."

"But he's only doing this to get to me. If I never approached you-

"If you never approached me I wouldn't have such a great friend by my side. You make me happy." Violet said looking straight into my eyes, half smiling.

I wanted to kiss her more than anything at that moment. I wanted us to be official. I wanted to be able to call her mine but-

I looked away, my face burning.

She smiled. The first smile I've seen from her in a long time. "I finally managed to make you flustered." She beamed.

"Mm, yes, yes you did." I smiled still looking at my hands.

She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight. "Stay the night?" She looked up at me with puppy eyes.


And with that we passed out, both exhausted by the events of the day.

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