A Night In

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Violet's POV

I've been panicking all day! Briar is coming over in 2 hours and my room still looks like I played Jumanji in it. After Mateo left the other day I completely abandoned cleaning my room and haven't thought about it till now.

As much as it pains me to ask my sister for help I reluctantly hobbled downstairs to her room and knocked on the door.

"Saaaph! I need your help." I said tiredly, my head resting against the door. She opened the door and I fell forward barely catching myself on the dresser.

"What do you need?"

"Can you help me clean my room?"

"At 9 o'clock? Why can't you just wait till tomorrow?" She said annoyed.

"Because I have to do it now! Can you please just help me?" I pleaded.

She sighed and gave in. When she walked in and saw the state of my room she made an audible gasping noise.

"Violet what the hell happened in here??"

"I was busy and didn't have time to clean." I said resting my face in my hands trying not to look at the mess.

"Have you been taking your medication?"

God I hate that question. A pill isn't gonna magically cure me of ADHD. It's not gonna suddenly give me the motivation to clean my room when it gets messy or remember to close the fridge after I get something out of it or remember people's names the first day or the second or third or- you get the point.

"You know how much I hate that question." I glared at her.

"Well I have to ask because your room is in terrible condition."

"I've been taking my stupid pills. Can you just help me out here??" I begged.

"Okay okay. I'll take all these cups and bowls downstairs and you start putting your clean clothes away."

We had gotten into a flow of cleaning and only 1 hour later my room was good as used.

"There we go. Cleanish room." Sapphire sighed.

"Thank you." I rushed over and gave her a tight hug.

"Try to wait at least a week before letting it get like that again." She said patting me on the head and walking out.

"I know you secretly enjoy helping me clean!" I yelled after her.

"Not every other day!" She called back.

Nice. My room is clean, my mom won't be home till 2 and Sapphire is tired from helping me clean my room. (A/N| Note, Sapphire lives in the basement)

Briar should be here in around an hour which gives me time to do a little research on all things alcohol. I don't need to give Briar another thing to tease me about. I started with a simple 'What It Feels Like To Be Drunk' video and went from there.

An hour flew by and I got a text from Briar saying she was outside. I let her in through the front door as quietly as possible and we made our way upstairs to my room.

I closed my door and locked it.

"So?" I looked at her.

"Yes I brought the goods" She she jokingly. "We have a red wine on the sweeter side and an ok-ish whiskey." She said holding each bottle up proudly. Her face changed to serious though as she asked me, "Are you sure you wanna do this? You don't have to. Especially not to prove a point to me. I was just messing with you in the car."

"Of course I do! And a point will be proven tonight, that I can handle having fun." I grabbed the bottle of whiskey from her hand and tried to take the cork off. The damned thing was jammed in there tight and wasn't budging.

"You want some help?" Briar asked chuckling at my struggle. The cork finally popped off and I took a big swig of whiskey. The liquid stung as it went down and immediately hit me. I felt dizzy and dazed but very very happy.

Briar's POV

"How you feeling?"

"Amaaaazing!" Violet exclaimed taking another swig.
"Okay now, slow down" I said taking the bottle from her. "Why?? We're here to have fun!" She slurred.

"You need to pace yourself dum dum. Especially considering your size." I smiled and looked down at her.

"What's that's suupposed to mean?" She said with this angry expression.

"You're clearly a lightweight. Not to mention your stature." I teased. I can't help it, she's too adorable when she's all worked up and riling her up is too much fun.

"Jus be cause your lanky doesn'mean your superior to me." She said red in the face.

"Okay okay, the nights still young, let's enjoy it and stop arguing." I said taking a swig of whiskey myself.

We started drinking more and things were loosing up.

"Hey B, can I ask you something?" Violet said turning to me. We were both sitting on the floor drunk looking at YouTube videos at this point. "Yes?" I responded.

"Why do you hang out wif me? I mean I'm not exactly the pinnacle of high school popularity." She drunkly slurred.

I looked at her confused. "Why wouldn't I want to hang out with you?"

"Because I'm weird and annoying and loud and-

"Your not any of those things!" I cut her off. "I hang out with you because I like spending time with you. Your funny and cute and easily entertained. I feel like I can be myself around you; like I don't have to keep up this act."

She looked at me for a moment before responding. "You think I'm cute?" She smiled.

"Your insufferable when your drunk." I smiled back. "We're never doing this again."

"Why not??"

"There's no way I'm gonna let you turn into a regular drinker at this age." I poked her on the forehead.

"You are" She pestered falling over onto my lap.
"I, do not count, we're talking about you here." I chuckled looking down at her. We locked eyes and time stopped. She gazed up at me and bit her lip.

Ugh! Why does her nervous tick have to be so.. so.. insatiable.

"You make it hard for me to act cool." I stated honestly. The alcohol must have been in full effect otherwise I'd never admit that.

"What?? Do I make you all hot and bothered??" Violet smirked evilly.

Clarity restored.

"You are so-
I cut myself off as I wrestled her to the ground and started an all out tickle fight.

"PLEASE!! I- I'M SORRY!!!" She huffed in between gasps of air and laughter.

"Submit!!" I tickled harder.

"I- I submit!!!" She said tapping the ground.

After we settled down and started to relax we decided to get cozy under the covers and watch a movie. Half way through I looked over- or should I say down at Violet to see her peacefully sleeping on my lap. I played her hair and sighed. "Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea."

A few minutes later I drifted off to sleep next to her.

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