The First Day

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6:32 am


I rush to put on my clothes, skip breakfast and hurry out the house. The cool autumn air hits me like a brick. I take a second to breathe it in before continuing my mad dash to the bus stop.

Today (unfortunately) is the first day of my Junior year. The notoriously awful all consuming year of high school anyone is lucky to make it through, add on top of that I'm a new student going to a new school where everyone already knows everyone. I'll be a total outcast.

I make my way to the bus stop just in time to see the bus driving off leaving me behind. Great. "God, why do you hate me so much?" I say looking up at the clouds angrily. I started to feel my nerves rack up as I thought about my situation. I have no way of getting to school and this is the first day so I'll miss all the important stuff and fall behind and-

"Your new around here." This calm female voice said from behind me. I turned toward the voice to see a girl. She looked around my age, tall, blonde hair blue eyes, All American Girl.
"I- I- y- yeah" I stuttered out. My brain seemed too preoccupied with my having just missed the bus to be worried about this random girl who was now speaking to me.

"Are you okay?" She said now looking concerned.

"I- um- yeah" I lied. I started chewing on my bottom lip trying to silence the feeling.

Then out of nowhere, this mysterious girl gives me a really tight hug. In any other circumstance I would have freaked out and pushed her off but for whatever reason, this really helped.

I calmed down and she pulled away from the hug and introduced herself. "I'm Briar."

"V-Violet." I said now actually taking in the girl standing in front of me.

"We need to find a way to get to school, it seems we both missed the bus." She said smiling.

"Yeah." The first clear word I've said to this girl.

"Come with me." She said grabbing my hand and leading me to god knows where.

We end up at a house not far from mine. Briar leaves me outside and runs in. About 5 minutes later she comes back out with car keys in hand and is ushering me to get in a car.

I guess I finally snapped out of whatever daze I was in and realized this stranger girl is trying to get me into her car.

"Wait! What's going on??"

"Um school? We need to get going or we'll be late. I took my parents keys." She said smirking.

"Wait wait wait. I don't even know you, no offense but, I don't think I should just hop into a car with a stranger."

"So what are you gonna do? Stand here in the dark and miss your first day? If I was trying to kidnap you or something wouldn't it have been easier to do so when you were freaking out back there?"

I felt my cheeks turn pink.

"Okay fine. But I'm letting you know now I have pepper spray."

"Sure sure, just get in the car." She said continuing to usher me into the passenger seat.

The car ride was silent- or should I say you couldn't hear anything over Briar blasting MARINA over the speakers.

30 Minutes Later

We pulled into the school and I immediately felt the pit in my stomach grow. We hopped out and Briar was met with a few girls running up to her and asking her about her summer. I just kind of awkwardly stood to the side trying to figure out the right time to say 'thanks for the ride, bye now' or something like that. Briar seemed to ignore the posse forming around her and stared at me. She smiled and waved and I half smiled back and walked into the building.

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