Change of Plans

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Briar's POV

"Fucking Aiden."

"Woah woah, take a breath. What's going on?" Guppie asked concerned.

"You know the girl I've been talking to?"


"Well he asked her out on a date a couple days ago and tried to pressure her into actually going out with him in the hallway today"

"He what? Do you think he knows you like her?"

"I don't know? I give her rides to school and back and we sit together at lunch sometimes but it's not like I've been that obvious"

"I don't know. Do you think he's still hung up about you?"

"Maybe? I'm not sure, I mean it was a messy break up but it was like a year ago. Do people really hold onto relationships that long?"

"He was kind of obsessed with you. You remember how that was." They said grimly.

"Yeah. He was a controlling asshole. And now he's messing with Violet? I should talk to him and-

"Absolutely not! That's exactly what he wants. He wants you to notice him and talk to him, you can't let him have that"

"Well what do I do?"

"Have you already talked to Violet about it?"

"Yeah I told her not to go near him and to tell me if he keeps messing with her"

"Okay then just let it be for now unless something else happens. That's all you can do right now"

"Your right" I sighed.

The bell rang and dismissed us from the last period of the day. I waved Guppie goodbye and started heading toward my car. On my way I overheard Aiden talking with his buddies.

"You seen the new girl?"

"Uh yeah? I got a date with her tomorrow at Dustin's party"

"For real?? I could've sworn she was like the silent emo type"

"More like the easy type! Come Saturday night, I'll be getting me some new girl pussy" They both laughed and I felt my blood boil. I felt like my head was gonna explode when he noticed me.

"Briar? You stalkin me or something?" He chuckled.

"Maybe if you weren't always dicking around in the hallway I wouldn't have to see your sickening face" I snarled.

"You're close with the new girl right? Violet was it?" I breathed in deeply hoping to calm down and walk away before this got ugly. "Maybe you could come tomorrow night too and show me some girl on girl action. Like old times." He smirked.

Before I knew it my knee had connected with his balls and he was doubling over in pain.

"Fuck you Briar!" I heard him scream as I furiously walked down the hallway.

I got to my car to see Violet singing
'I Wanna Dance With Somebody' by Whitney Houston facing away from me. I felt my anger cease a little watching her sing and dance like nobody was watching. I snuck up behind her and joined her Broadway performance.

"Ooooh I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody!" I shout sang.

"AHH!" Violet turned around red in the face looking up at me.

"Why'd you stop? We just started the best part" I smiled.

"Do you enjoy scaring the daylights out of me??"

"Very much!" I smiled.

"Ugh, why are you so late? I've been waiting here for like 10 minutes"

"I got hung up in the halls" Thinking about Aiden and what he said made me want to gouge my eyes out all over again.

"You are so popular" She rolled her eyes and hopped into the car. I got in and we started the drive home.

"So..." Violet started. "Since I no longer have plans this weekend would you maybe wanna hang out?" She said fiddling with her fingers.

I couldn't help but smile ear to ear at this. "Of course! Where do you wanna go?"

She thought for a moment before answering,
"I wanna do something fun, something exciting!" She paused for a second before saying, "Let's crash Aiden's party!"

I snapped my head toward Violet. Was she being serious??

"Eyes! Road!"

I begrudgingly looked back at the road and questioned her. "Why do you wanna do that?"

"Because Aiden's an asshole and ruining his fun would be our fun"

"As exciting as crashing a party sounds, it's not all it's chalked up to be. I've done it before and more than likely no one will even notice you, and if they do it won't be the satisfying outrage you're looking for. It's not like it is in the movies Vi."

"Well then what should we do? I can't bare the thought of Aiden having a grand old time while I'm stuck at home doing my Algebra homework."

"What's wrong with being a good student?"

"It's lame! Besides, it's Junior year. We're almost out of this hellhole so why not make a few fun memories before we go?" She sighed heavily.

"I think Aiden's getting into your head. You don't have to do something crazy to have fun."

"Then what do you suggest we do?"

I felt my face heat up as all the dirty thoughts about what we could do this weekend rose to the surface. Guppie was right, I'm down bad.

"I- okay, how about this. Why don't we sneak out and... I don't know go joy riding?"

"I thought you were supposed to be the most popular girl in school. I know you've done crazier things. Why the safeguards? Do you think I can't handle it?"

"Not to be rude or anything but, your not exactly the epitome of badass."

Just then we pulled up to my house.

"I am too!"

I turned off the car and looked at Violet. She had this angry offended expression and her arms folded over her chest.

"Oh really?" I stared her in the eye and slowly inched closer. "Why are you so red then?"

"Be-because I'm pissed off!"

"Mm? Your a badass right? Prove it."

She turned away and looked straight ahead now clearly embarrassed.

"I win" I whispered to her.

She huffed and faced me still unable to make eye contact for more than a few seconds.

"Just because I'm flustered doesn't mean anything! I see what your trying to do and it's not going to work! I'm not that easily swayed."

"You're adamant on doing something crazy this weekend huh?" I said leaning back.


"Okay fine, we're not going out, but I could bring a bottle of wine over and we could have a quiet night in?"

"Wine? Let's do something stronger, like vodka!"

"You've never had alcohol before have you?"

"No, but that's not important."

"Okay then edit, why don't I bring over some wine and some whiskey and let you try them?"

"Where are you gonna get it from?"

"Like you said, I'm the popular girl. I know how to get drinks without a card. Are you satisfied with this plan?"


"Okay then, come on." I said as we both got out of the car and walked toward Violet's house.

"You are such a brat." I rolled my eyes. She just smiled in response.

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