Chapter 3

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I gulped visibly when he uttered that word, that word alone got me hot, scared and terrified, I wonder what he wants to talk about.

He had this look in his eyes, it was vicious, cold, distant and wicked.
I mean I've heard stories of him but sitting here on this cold floor looking at him, something tells me he holds a grudge for me or more specifically Cara.

"Whatever I tell you now, I'll only say once so be careful not to miss anything" he spit out his stare not wavering.

"You're here as my prisoner, and no I don't want or demand any Ransom from your husband for your return, you'll be here for as long as I want you to be" he begins still looking at me

"Of course you know what happens to prisoners, since you've had your fair share of taking some for your former Don" he grits out a very dangerous tone to his voice, it's like he's hinting at something but I don't know what.

"You will remain in this basement without any food or water, unless of course I'm in a good mood, of course you'll be tortured from time to time" he adds making me fucking scared, I can't handle mafia torturing

"Have it in mind that I'll document some of these torture as a souvenir for your dear husband" he tells me still keeping a hard glare on me

He stops as if waiting for me to say something but all I do is just lower my head, his stare scares me, it unnerves me and puts me on edge.

I have never had to face anyone like this, not in my entire life.
Cara is the brave, bold and witty one
I'm just the silent, shy and naive of the both of us.

I don't want to tell him that I'm not Cara because if he knows, then he'll realize he has no use for me and probably kill me

Men like him have no room for compassion or pity, they shoot first and ask questions later and I'm not willing to put my life at risk.

"I expected more of a fight from you, this is not the famous assassin I've been hearing so much about for the years" he mutters out tauntingly, of course I'm not her dumb fuck, but of course I don't have the nerve to say that out loud.
"I can say I'm very disappointed" he spits.

"Where am I"? I ask after minutes of watching him talk, at least I should know where I am should in case I escape, which is most likely not going to happen but let me hope.

"You should know by now" he says smirking at me "You're in Russia" he whispers, I suspected it but now that he confirms it my blood runs cold.

How will Cara ever find me?
I'm in a foreign land with no means of reaching anyone I know, worse, they think I'm someone else.
What will happen to me if he finds out I'm not Cara but infact the exact opposite of who he wanted.

"Vissarion will make sure you're comfortable as much as a prisoner should be" he says with an evil smile and sinister look in his eyes

He gets up from the chair and starts making his way to the door, but my voice quickly stops him.

"If I'm going to stay here for long, the least you can do is let me have my bath, I stink" I mutter the last part out, I see his shoulder tense before he turns around and faces me

"You want a bath ПРИНЦЕССА"? He asks giving me a weird look, in this moment I don't even know what I'm doing, I just nod like an idiot, which isn't really a good idea.

"Vissarion" his voice booms out through the whole basement and within seconds, The man from before enters as if he's been standing outside, he bows in front of Dimitri in respect

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