Chapter 37

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If he thinks I'm gonna help him then he's joking, he must be truly delusional.
I'd never help him
And what's with the saying he has no reason to kidnap me, pffft as if that'll change my mind.

I stomp upstairs to my room, thank God neither Cara nor Enzo were here when I got back, I don't think they've been back since I left, or maybe they have and they just don't care

Either way I pull out the drugs I got for Ivan, I can't tell him I met with Dimitri, I don't know how he'll feel about that

Personally I expect him to be happy, I would be, but giving the fact that I'm pregnant for Dimitri, I don't think it's such a good idea.

I rearrange my top and my hair and head out to the basement, no the kitchen first to get water, then the basement.

Truth be told, I didn't expect Dimitri to just let me go like that, at first I thought he'd try to force me to work for him.

I was shocked to say when he told me I could leave, I mean this is someone that held me against my will for six months.

That too because of a stupid revenge I knew nothing about.
As much as I care about Ivan, I'd never betray Cara for Dimitri.

I'll get Ivan out on my own, by my own terms, and not by betraying Cara and Enzo and working with Dimitri.

I walk down the basement and see the two guys put there by Enzo to look after Ivan, I just nod at them slightly and they do the same before they open the door for me.

Sometimes I wonder if they can tell us apart, myself and Cara.
Most of them don't even know which one of us is married to Enzo.

And sometimes I use it to my advantage, like right now, I breathe out as I walk into the basement.

Ivan is hunched over and the room is dark, it takes a while before my eyes adjust with the darkness.

He looks up at me and the water with me nearly drops from my hand, what happened to him.

I rush forward crouching in front of him as i take his face in my hands
"What happened to you"? I ask examining his face, new cuts and new bruises.

I hold his upper arm and he winces making me stop, he just smiles a bit, or try to with his busted up lip.

I touch his forehead and he was burning up, oh my God
He was looking out of shape this morning when I left but not this bad

"Who did this to you"? I ask in a whisper my voice trembling.

"Just them boys playing a little game" he croaks out before going into a coughing fit and when he stops there's blood on the floor.

This is bad, I can't take this anymore, Cara has got to stop

I don't care what she thinks, I drop the drugs and the water in front of him as I rush out of the basement to look for Cara.

I rush upstairs and go to her room but she's not there, I check Enzo's office but no one either

There's only one place she'd be in, I rush to the conference room area, I'd never really been there since living here, since I had no business being there.

I find the double doors and quickly push it open, there was chatter before but the moment I open the doors everything dies down and all heads turn to me, including Cara's and Enzo's.

I don't care, I'm seething with anger.

"What did he do to you for you to beat him up like that" I snap walking into the room, I hear a few murmurs but I don't let it stop me.

I see the surprise in Cara and Enzo's eyes, they'd never seen me like this, well I guess Being locked up for six months changed me

Cara sighs before standing up and walking towards me
"Cora, not the place and not the time" she mutters and I just scoff.

"I don't care, I told you he didn't do anything, but you still go ahead to hurt him like that"? I snap at her, she tries to put her hand on my shoulder but I shrug it off.

"Why don't we talk about this later" she whispers and I shake my head.

"No we're talking about this now, you have to let him go"! I yell and her eyes darken for a minute before she speaks

"And I've told you countless times Cora, I'm not letting him go, deal with it" she snaps making me gasp out

"You're going to kill him" I whisper out to her my voice low and shaky

She sighs out before walking close to me "look, you need to rest, give it a month and you'll see how bad he is" she says and I just scoff and look at the other men in the room

My eyes meet Enzo's, what's the difference between them all and Dimitri now?
They're all the same thing

Self-centered, self-absorbed, killers
I just shake my head before storming out if there.

If she's not going to let him go, then she leaves me no choice.
I can't stay here and watch him die


Geography was never my forte, so you can understand how frustrated I am right now.

I had just one job, one job and I couldn't even do it, here I am going around in circles with a very exhausted cab driver and a very exhausted me.

I couldn't even remember one trail that led back there, well I wasn't exactly planning on going back, but here I am.

I'm exhausted and fucking pissed off, it's almost dark and I'm still running around in circles.

I started from the drug store, but it's been useless
How hard can it be to find just one white house?

I groan out in frustration, I hop out of the taxi and pay the cab driver with an extra tip for the trouble.

It's going to get cold and I'm not even with a jacket, I start walking down the street kicking a few stones out of my way as I go

Stupid stupid me
I guess fate doesn't want me to save him
It's all my stupid fault
I let anger cloud my judgement

I wonder how Ivan will feel if he knows I met with Dimitri, his only chance of leaving there and I blew it.

I'm dreading going back home knowing Ivan is still there and I can't get him out.
I'm still thinking and walking when I hear the tires of a car beside me.

For the second time in my life, I'm a tad bit happy to see him

Who do you think she's talking about?

Is Cara being fair on Ivan?

Do you think Cora will work with Dimitri

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