Chapter 40

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"This pointless" she said breathing hard and fast as she quickly sat herself on the floor, sweat was glistening her body

"Get up" he muttered watching her with the same emotionless look she was used, only now it no longer scared her, it just pissed her off

She rolled her eyes at him not even bothering to hide her irritation at his tone

"Are you deaf or you're just stupid, can't you see I'm clearly exhausted? This whole thing is pointless, I don't get why I need to even learn by the way, it's not like I'm going to be helping you fight anyone off" she huffed dusting her hands in front of her.

She really didn't get why she had to train with him or why he suddenly wanted her to learn hand to hand combat.

She's never needed it all her life and she definitely didn't need it now
To her it was pointless and torturous maybe

"Get up" he gritted out to her, as much as he wanted to keep his frustration at bay, she wasn't making it any easy for him

She needed to learn to defend herself, even if not completely at least a few things should come in handy

"You don't scare me Dimitri so drop the act and just let me have a moment to myself" she snapped at him

"Stop being a little brat and get up" he growled out to her, she scoffed looking at him
Did he just call her a brat?

"You know what? Screw this, I don't even know why I let you talk me into agreeing to this in the first place" she said getting up and dusting off her hands
"I don't need your stupid training, and I sure as hell don't need you telling me what to do, I'm going home" she spat at him before attempting to walk out on him

"I'm doing this for your sake принцесса" his tone was much softer now, he really needed to keep his anger at bay around her, if at all he wanted her to listen to him.

She scoffed turning around to look at him, there were beads of sweat on his forehead and the sleeveless shirt he wore clung to his body, the sun from the window did nothing to hide his body and how firm his muscles were

His hair was looking rather out of place but it suit him, those sage green eyes illuminated well with the sun peeking in

The tattoos scattered around his arms were a piece of art work, they looked more dark and sexy under the sweat and sun

Overall he looked attractive
But not to her and not at this moment.
Now she was pissed at him, what the hell was he doing making her train with him, she never had to train with Enzo or Cara so why with him?

"Why do you care if I know how to fight or not"? She asked him with disdain

"Because you have to be able to protect yourself" he muttered, that was the truth, she needed something to protect herself, he didn't like that she carried a very risky and dangerous face around but yet had zero experience on stuff like this

"From who? Let me guess, men like you" she spat angrily feeling her blood boil, before he came into her life she had no reason to learn hand to hand combat because she had no reason to protect herself, but now she'd become vulnerable.

Everyone in the mafia world knew of how he took her, but what they didn't know was the fact that she wasn't Cara, but that didn't stop them from making her a target.

He could understand her anger, hell it was justified but he just needed her to understand his plight
He wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't necessary.

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