Chapter 43

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"So you were running all the way from Enzo's Mansion to my house to warn me"? He asked with a lot of amusement on his face and his voice, he still couldn't wrap his head around that part of her story

She nodded playing with her fingers as they both sat facing each other.
Even she didn't know that was possible, her running all the way to his house.

"Why didn't you just call me принцесса" he asked a small playfulness to his tone and she just shrugged before remembering that she had in fact called him and it was going through

"I'd called you, but it kept taking me back to voicemail" she almost whined at him

He just breathe out and shook his head, he'd never understand what goes on in her head

"So why didn't you use a car"? He pressed making her cheeks turn a shade darker as she ducked her head, he gave her an amused look

"I can't drive" she muttered hopefully he didn't hear, but he did making him more surprised

"You can't drive" he repeated "so how have you always come here whenever I didn't come pick you"? He asked and she just shrugged her shoulders

"I used Uber" she mumbled feeling a bit embarrassed that she couldn't drive, but she didn't always think she needed it or that it was important she learned how to drive.

"So why didn't you call an Uber and you chose to run instead, all the way from Enzo's house to my house"? He asked tauntingly and she just rolled her eyes at him

"You're never gonna let it go are you"? She asked "I wasn't really thinking it through and besides you probably would have been dead if I stop to call an Uber, I would have missed you on the road" she explained giving herself a pat on the back.

He thought for a while and realized she was right, if she had used an Uber, he would have missed her on the road, and probably fell right into Enzo's trap

"How did you know by the way"? He asked and she just shrugged

"I overheard them talking about it in Enzo's office before they left for the ball" she explained and he just nodded.

He so badly wanted to ask her why she did it but he didn't want to ruin the whole mood again so he just kept it to himself

"Thank you" he muttered, she didn't really know what to say, so she just nodded letting the silence consume the whole room.

The whole room felt uncomfortable, the silence was awkward and they both knew it

She blew out air and decided to ask one question that had been on her mind since meeting him again, she didn't want to stir up anything but she just needed to know.

"How did you know"? She asked making him look at her in confusion "my name, how did you know my name? I never told you" she voiced out looking at him and he just breathe out

"Back at Moscow, I heard you and Ivan talking, the day he told you about Vera" he swallowed the lump in his throat, still Talking about her made him feel so fucking sad "I heard you guys talking" he explained to her and she just nodded


"So whats the new plan? Because apparently the old one just went into shreds" she asked folding her hands on the table in front of him

He took a moment to actually look at her, she had that little pout on her lips, the one she always has without knowing it

"The new plan doesn't involve you Malyshka, you've done your part already" he told her seeming uninterested in the conversation

She almost scoffed giving him a very angry and confused look
"Doesn't involve me my ass, what's that supposed to even mean"? She muttered glaring at him

"It means принцесса, That I don't want you involved in this anymore, it's too dangerous" he told her giving her a daring look but deep down he was actually being soft

She scoffed looking him up and down "And since when do you care about me being in danger"? She challenged

"Since I realized you're carrying my child" without thinking he blurted it out and regretted it almost immediately when he saw the look on her face, he knew he shouldn't have brought it up, hell they haven't even talked about it, whether she wants to keep it or not

She scoffed lowly at him, her expression were a lot of things, but he could see the hurt more than others

"Just because you know about it, doesn't give you the right to bring it up at any of our conversation" she gritted out to him bitterly

Like always he just stood watching her with his hands tucked in his pants pocket, he blinked twice.

"Fine" he muttered shocking her, she expected more of an argument from this but he just agreed

"Fine" she repeated "I'm going home" she muttered walking towards the door, he just watched her before sighing and picking up his keys

He fell into step with her just as she walked outside the door, she gave him a questioning look

"Let me drop you"

"As much as that sounds tempting, I don't think it's a good idea to be around the house now, especially since Enzo knows you're still very much in Rome" she told him

"Are you looking out for me принцесса"? He asked his tone hinting a playfulness and she just rolled her eyes at him

"You wish" she muttered "As much as I'll like to see you dead, I'd hate for it to be around me, plus you're Ivan's only shot at getting out of that house, if you die, he's not getting out of there" she explained "Stop following me Dimitri, I'm calling a cab" she muttered and just like that his steps halt as he watches her leave his gates

She is something
He shook his head before walking back inside.


"Twice in one day, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're eager to be around me" he muttered looking at the person on the other side of the door, it has only been a few hours since she left, and here she is again

She brushed past him, any hint of her being amused erased from her face, he could sense the seriousness of why she was here again, that too this late.

He walked back inside the house right behind her, she turns around and pacing the living room.

"What's wrong принцесса"? He asked sounding more serious this time, she breathe out before taking the only couch in the room

"He's gone" she muttered looking at him, he scrunched his brows in confusion

"Who's gone, you have to be more specific than that"? He asked moving closer to her

"Ivan, he's gone, he's no longer in the basement" she muttered, his blood ran cold at this sudden information, he knew he should have just gone ahead with his plan

"They didn't...." He drawled out looking at her and she just shook her head sighing out
He dreaded the possible outcome

"No, they didn't, they just changed his location, all I know is he's no longer in the mansion, or even close" she said making him breathe out, at least he's still alive

"How do you know this"? He asked her

Where do you think Ivan is??

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