Chapter 58

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I don't know what we were doing but I like it nonetheless.
The kiss had intensified, I was hovering over her, in between her spread legs, while she was lying on the couch.

My lips moved from hers, as I trailed kisses down her neck, she closed her eyes and wrapped her hands around my neck.

My hand gently squeezed her waist as I slipped it into her top, feeling her bare skin with my fingers, I started moving my hands up and just close to her breast area, she snapped and stopped responding to me.

She put her hands on my chest and pushed me gently "I can't....I can't do this, we....we can't" she whispered out getting from under me and stood up

I was a bit confused, I thought she wanted this minutes ago, what happened.

I stood up and moved closer to her
"Why"? I rasp out and she looks at me shaking her head.

"We shouldn't be doing this, I can't, not with you, Dimitri you did things to me that...." She paused swallowing hard "that I can't forget, they haunt my dreams at night and whenever I look at you, I get flashbacks" she whispers keeping her voice steady

I breathe out "I'm sorry, and I know you already said sorry is not going to change anything but I'm sorry, for every fucked up thing I ever did to you, I'm sorry" I mutter getting close to her, I really needed to do this, and no better time than now.

"I regret it, all of it and if there's a way I can take it back, Cora I will. I never should have come home that day, if I knew I was going to do something like that to you, I wouldn't have come back"

She's just looking at me, I can see sadness in her eyes but she's trying to keep her emotions in check

"I was angry, sad, and drunk. But I remembered everything, I remember everything I did to you, because it haunts me in my dreams too, every single night since that day" I stop in front of her as I take her hand in mine, she doesn't protest or try to stop me

"I can't take it back Cora, but I can promise you that I'll never hurt you, ever again" I finish looking straight into her eyes

She breathes out "I want to hate you for it, I should hate you for it, in fact maybe I did hate you for it at some point, but I can't pretend not to notice the connection or attraction, whatever this is between us" she rushes out "I can't pretend I don't feel things when you kiss me, or when you touch me, or look at me like that" she says

"Like what"? I mutter and she chuckles, a single tear leaving her eyes.

"Like nothing else matters when you're with me" she whispers and I use my other hand to cup her face

"Because nothing else matters принцесса" I mutter before wiping the tear from her eyes and letting my lips come down on hers again

I let go off her lips before looking at her

"What are we doing"? She whispers

"I don't know, but I don't want to stop" I mutter tracing lines on her lips with my thumb

She laughs before resting her head on my chest as I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me, resting my chin on her head

I really do not know what we're doing but I have no intentions of putting a stop to it.
She calms me down, whenever I'm around her, I feel things that I can't explain


"Do you wanna feel it"? She asks looking between me and her stomach

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