Chapter 13

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He was excited, or more like thrilled to know that in a week time, he'd be in the same room with the man he despised the most and he'd have something of so much importance to Enzo in his possession.

He hadn't gone to see her in almost a month, because he knew if he did, he'd torture her and probably inflict wounds on her, which would probably spoil his plan of taking her with him to New York.

But he had been watching her from the cameras, there hadn't been a day that passed that he hasn't gone to his computer to watch her.

His cousin had taken an unhealthy liking to her, and he hated it so much.
It unnerved him to no end, what was so special about this girl that his cousin liked her so much.

Everyday in the past month, he watched as both of them became close, more like friends.
He didn't like the idea of his cousin befrending someone like her but he couldn't stop him either.

She wasn't to be trusted he knew that, she was sly than she looked, he knew that under all that calm and cool, timid young girl was a heartless and skilled killer.

What he didn't understand tho, was the fact that she'd never tried to escape, not once since she'd been here.
It intrigued him to know why she never made and attempt to run away

He hadn't checked on her today because he didn't see the need to, why?
Because he was going to see her personally in the basement and inform her of the plans he had.

The one that involved her traveling with him to New York for the ball, the same ball her husband would be attending.

But to his utmost surprise and shock, she wasn't in the basement. it was infact empty, the cuffs he had put on her were laying on the ground.

He was aggravated to no end, had she finally escaped from him?
How did she do it?

With a low growl he walked outside to find the two guards there, where were they when she escaped, he thought with anger.

"Where is she"? He growled out and both guards looked at themselves with fear, they knew how bad and heartless their Don could be if provoked.

The much older one took the chance to speak up
"She left sir" he voiced out trying to compose himself "She left moments ago with Ivan" he added

On hearing that, Dimitri's anger only doubled, how dare Ivan let her out without his permission, he was really testing his patience.

What did Ivan see in this Italian bitch that he'd dare to counter him? He thought to himself, as he made his way upstairs from the basement.

He was fuming with so much anger, he knew exactly where they'd be, in Ivan's room
Probably Ivan was letting her take a bath, that even annoyed him more.

When he finally found them, he was right, they were infact in Ivan's room, but she was nowhere to be found, only Ivan was sitting there on the bed.

He saw the shock, surprise and fear in his eyes when he walked in.
Ivan knew he had really gotten into trouble with his cousin, but he wasn't in fact afraid, because he knew it was worth it, for Cara, everything he did was worth it.

He didn't know when it happened or how, but he knew he liked her, more than he should, more than he thought he would.

And looking at an enraged Dimitri right now, he knew he was in big trouble and somehow, he may have dragged Cara into it.

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