Chapter 36

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This was a bad idea
Going to her for help, it was the first possible idea I could come up with

I can't even concentrate, hell I've been trying to put on a show since I picked her up.
My head is all over the place.

I can't understand how one person can consume my thoughts this much, it's messing with my head.

When I was close to her in the kitchen, it was as though my heart was gonna explode, it took a whole lot for me to walk away.

The way her eyes look at me, sometimes with fear, other times with innocence and cluelessness and then sometimes with this judgement.

I so badly wanted to ask her about Ivan but I was holding myself back, I wouldn't want to look like I cared too much in front of her

And when I talked about her caring about Ivan, she confirmed it by not denying it, making me feel a kind of sensation deep in the pit of my stomach.

She did care for him
She cares for my cousin
She's probably plotting my death now, seeing as I'm the man who brought her so much pain.

But instead she looks too calm for someone who went through hell at my hands, I know she's gonna agree to help me.

But after that what next?
Will she tell me how much she hated me for ruining her life?
Will she look for ways to kill me?

All these thoughts shouldn't matter now, I should focus on getting her to help me first.
That's the most important right now.

I'm trying to get her out of my head with a cigarette hanging between my lips, I've not light it yet but with the rate at which I'm thinking about her, I will light it

The door to the room suddenly opens and she stumbles in before composing herself, I guess she wasn't expecting it to be open.

I quickly put on my mask of no emotion, looking at her with my brows raised in question.

She adjusts herself before walking into the room, she's not tall, but not short either, her petite frame and pale skin is definitely something that can mess with any sane man's mind, her dark brunette hair bounces as she walks towards me.

She just stands looking at me and the room, as if just realizing she's in a room with me, she suddenly becomes tense and awkward

I sigh out before breaking the silence

"What do you want принцесса"? I ask looking at her, I see her nose scrunched up again, she does that whenever I call her that.
Of course she doesn't know what it means and I don't intend on telling her

At first when I decided to start calling her that, I never knew the name would grow me, I started using it to taunt her, but now I can't seem to stop calling her that.

Her mouth opens to speak but she closes it back and I just cock my brows at her
She breathes out before speaking "I'm not going to be working for you and I demand you take me back home" she voices out, her voice showing how nervous and unsure she was right now.

She's not even bold enough to stand up for herself, cute.

"Is that so"? I ask her unamused and she just looks at me with confusion
"You want to go home"? I ask lowly and she just nods before clearing her throat

"Yes, you have to take me home now" she mutters as I stand up and start moving close to her slowly.

I take two steps and she takes one back, her eyes darting between mine, I can see the fear in them and for a split second, I see the same fear she had in her eyes the day I touched her and it makes me fist my hand and clench my jaw.

I don't like that look in her eyes, especially for me, it sets a bad feeling in my stomach

She stops moving back but I don't stop advancing towards her until I'm standing right in front of her, I look into her eyes before I open my mouth.

I can see the heaving of her chest up and down, she scared, hell she's terrified

"Fine" I tell her before standing up right and walking past her, she looks at me with surprise before she scrambles and follows me

"What"? She asks and I stop making her stumble on my back, her head coming in contact with my back, that small contact is enough to make me tense.

I purposely haven't made any contact with her since meeting her again.
Because I don't know if my mind will be able to control it.

The feel of her skin under my touch, it'll definitely ruin my thoughts.

I turn around to face her and find her rubbing her forehead, I hide the smile threatening to spill at how cute she looks.

Focus Dimitri

"What? you don't want to go home anymore"? I ask raising my brows at her and she stutters before closing her mouth.
I thought as much.

I just turn around and she follows behind me, keeping her distance this time.


The ride is uncomfortable and very awkward for me and obviously for her too.

Of course my house is far from Enzo's Manson, so it's going to take a while to get her there, I'll drop her a few miles before her house, I don't want Enzo or any of his men seeing me

I'm surprised they haven't even started looking for her, I noticed she had a drug with her before I picked her up, and she's clutching onto it right now beside me.

I so badly want to know who they're for
Of course they're hers, but why would she need drugs and that too she snuck out to get it.

Her sister doesn't even care about her as much as she cares about everyone else, if she were in my custody, family or not, and I realize she'd been gone this long, I'd rain fire down looking for her.

I look at her and see her looking out the car window, she's most likely deep in thoughts again
She's always thinking.

"Why"? She whispers out, it's barely audible, anyone would miss it but I don't, because I'm watching her closely

I know exactly what she's asking, she wants to know why I let her go easy, but contrary to what she believes, I'm not a monster, at least I wasn't one before she died.

I sigh out focusing on the road before answering

"What were you expecting me to do? Kidnap you"? I ask and I feel her eyes on me before she looks down at her laps.

"It's not like you haven't done it before" she mutters making my grip on the steering tighten

None of us say anything after that, both of us lost in thought.
She's off to staring at the window again.

Soon enough we arrive at our destination, from here I can see Enzo's mansion, but anyone there won't be able to see my car

She unfastens her seatbelt, about to go out when my voice stops her.

"I need your help" I mutter out, her eyes cuts to mine "I have no reason to kidnap you" I tell her

She looks at me for a while and her next words makes me tense and clench my jaw.

"You never had a reason the first time and yet you did" she says her eyes becoming glossy before she opens the door and go out, I relax in my chair and watch her walk away as her back fades.

There goes my plan of getting her to help me.
I guess I really did break her, to the point that I can't even fix it, not even to Save Ivan

I breathe out running my hands on my face before putting the car into gear and zooming off.

Well there goes the whole plan
Sorry Ivan but I guess you'll be staying with us for a while 😁😁😁

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