Chspter 38

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Glass after glass, I kept downing all of it, deep in thought.
I had completely drowned out the chattering of the bar as I sat facing the bartender who was looking at me like I was some hilly billie

The look in her eyes before she walked away from me was still playing in my head.
There was no way I'd convince her to help me, who was I kidding?

I'm a monster to her
That's how she sees me, I'm even lucky she talked to me and even let me present the stupid idea of her helping me to her.

Thinking of all what I did to her, I realize I was in no position to ask for her help and expect it just like that.

I had beaten her, insulted her, humiliated her, body shamed her
God I am such an awful person and there's no excuse for what I did to her

I breathe out as I run my hands down my face, I was at a dead end right now.
Unless of course, by some miracle, she decides to help me because of Ivan, then I don't think I have hope of her helping at all.

I bet if I was the one there in place of Ivan, she'd have killed me already.
I wouldn't blame her tho

I pull out my card and slid it to the bartender, he quickly swiped it and hands it back to me.

It's time I left this bar, sitting down here won't help me.
Maybe I'll call Viss and ask for his input

I'm trying not to start a war with Enzo, that's why I'm ready to go through all this stress to get Ivan out the less bloody way.

And the only reason I don't want a war with Enzo is because of her.
That petite, innocent trouble in his house.

There's no way I'd go to war with them that she won't be dragged into it.
I've already dragged her too much into our little game, and I don't want her to be involved more than she already is.

I head out of the bar and walk up to my car, I get in and start the engine, not even a few minutes on the road, a figure walking by the side of the road catches my attention.

It can't be?
Can it?

I look again and realize my eyes are not playing tricks on me
It is her, it's the same clothes she wore the whole of today.

But it's dark and I'm pretty sure I dropped her off at Enzo's place, so what the hell is she doing out by this time, that too alone.

I breathe out
She should know better than to go off wandering in the streets like this, especially with a face like hers.

I think sometimes she forgets that she's carrying the face of a renowned and highly wanted assassin in the mafia world.

I drive towards her and when I'm close to her, she still hasn't noticed but I see her stop before looking towards my car.

I see her brows scrunched up before realization cross her face

I whine down the glass "Get in" I mutter and I see her hesitate before doing what I least expected.

She gets in without even as much of an argument or hassle.
This takes me by surprise as I'm still looking at her and wondering why she would get in the car with me

"Drive before I change my mind" she mutters out playing with her nails, I almost smile at her before I set the car in motion.

I let my eyes drift to her for a second before focusing on the road back, she looks occupied with thoughts, I bet her mind is not even here.

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