Ch.1 Prologue

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~~~~💫Limbo||Minsung Fanfic💫~~~~

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~💫Limbo||Minsung Fanfic💫~

Back in the 6th grade:

"Hannie! Hannie! What role did you get in the school play?" One of Jisung's friends, Chaewon excitedly came over to her group of friends.

"I got a lame role, just some background character." Jisung didn't care as much for plays as he wasn't much into it, only doing it since every middle schooler had to participate.

"That is lame. Renjun? How about you?" Chaewon turned to the other friend.

"The leads right hand man, a pretty big role." Renjun tried impressing his middle school girl crush.

"I guess we're sharing the stage because I got the lead female role! I get to kiss the new 8th grader." Chaewon began giggling.

"You do know in middle school plays theres no actual kissing scene, they always find a way to make it look like it." Their other friend, Jongho ruining the moment for the girl.

"Still counts, all those horrible bullies will be jealous of me for once. What role did you even get?" Chaewon rolling her eyes.

"Technically no role since I'm in the choir." Jongho was to focus on his homework to worry about a school play.

"Wish I was the lead role." Renjun quietly spoke under his breath for only him to hear.

"Why is everyone talking about this new 8th grader?" Jisung out of the loop of the middle school gossip.

"Apparently every girl in the school likes him, including this one." Jongho answering his question causing Chaewon's cheeks to blush.

"He's cute okay. He reminds me of a cute bunny. But no one is friends with him, apparently his parents are really strict and this is his third school this year." Chaewon letting her three friends know the gossip they definitely weren't interested in.

Jisung didn't understand how every girl in the school could like one boy but he understood how none of them seemed to pay any attention to him.

"Guys that's Lee Minho the 8th grader I was telling you about. He's playing Romeo." She excitedly showed her three friends the said boy who was practicing his line.

Jisung finally getting a chance to get a look at the mentioned boy and he had to admit his looks were pleasing to the eyes.

"Hi Minho! I'm Chaewon playing Juliet!" She went up to introduce her self to the older boy who only nodded without a word.

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